At Home Part 10

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"Hey Jeje, that was nice... but WTF did you mean when you said 'you already have'?... does that mean you already liked me.. before in the woods as well?..."

"uh... some of the time.. yes..." Mikuni scoffs behind him while he discussed some deep shit.

"HEY, what the fu-"

"I'm's just that I love you so much when you get messy!!!"

"what do you mean by messy, I'm not messy! look my gown is as kneet as!"

"hmm.. oh sorry, I can't see, let's get a closer look shall we?.."

"Eh?...hey, no stay away!.. ah..Mikuni no don't!!.. OI, watch where your moving those hands!"

"OH, Believe me I KNOW!"

"Ha..oh of course you do!" Mikuni whimpered and pushed his body against Jejes. "Mikuni, I.. I'm not sure if this is right..."


A little later...

*groans*  mmm... lehhh heh..heh..*groan* 

"Come on, closer give it to me!"

"F U!"

(he did...if you are not blind you piece of shit!)

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