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And all that and uh i kinda sorta told them you were pregnant"i said "you did what!!?...what did she say?"she said panicking i handed her some grapes "just breathe ok, she said she don't think we ready for a baby and she don't think im ready to be a dad cuz of money and school and a baby comes with a lot of work but i made it clear i already talked to you and we are ready and imma be here for my child"i said by then she was eating and tears were flowing down her face i wiped them and kissed her cheek "baby everything is going to be alright they love you"i said she got up putting on her shoes heading down the stairs i grabbed her arm "where you going girl?"i asked her "my dads house"she said "why tf you going there!!?"i said "if he won't come for me I'll come for him he needs to see me"she said "well im coming " i said locking the door getting in the car as she drove off....


Was all i can say when we pulled up this side of town is fucked up I mean the house kinda nice but damn shit fucked up...but i grew up over here too tho so im use to it i havent been over here in a good minute...

She got out the car and i hopped out with her and she knocked out the door as a lady that kind of looked like liyah opened the door hugging liyah squeezing her to death "I thought id never see you again i not to long got out of rehab your farther wouldn't tell me what happened to you"okayy so that's her mom so liyah walked in and there was her dad counting money "wait sweetie tae that's you, you done grew up"she said "well ms.anderson you look different yourself i didn't notice you at the door"i said as she pulled me into a hug "heyy daddy"liyah said hugging her dad jumping on him "what this lil nigga tae doin witchu ?" He asked liyah as she stood up "he's my boyfriend now dad carrying his baby"she said he dropped his stack and her ma glass of wine hit the floor "you are what!!!!??"her mother yelled "YOU KNOW IAN RAISE YO ASS LIKE THAT GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE MAN SHOUDLVE NEVER BROUGHT YO ASS ROUND HERE!!!"HE YELLED "YOU AINT FUCKIN REALLY EVEN RAISE ME YOU WERE OUT IN THE DAMN STREETS AND SHE WAS ON CRACK MAN I RAISED MY FUCKIN SELF BOTH OF YALL AINT I CAME TO COME SEE HOW YALL DOING AN-"NOW liyah boo hoo crying tears and ion need her stressing so i jumped in "BOTH YALL NEED TO FUCKIN CHILL ON HER....LIYAH GO GET IN THE CAR!" i said and she did as told "WHO TF YOU THINK YOU ARE NIGGA ?!"he said laughing "Mane you don scare me im the one who taking care of yo daughter makin sure she good I'm the one who the father of that baby im the nigga who gon make sure nobody hurt her THATS WHO TF I THINK I AM YALL AINT FINNA Have MY BABY STRESSIN!-"her dad then punched me and I punched back he then pulled out his pistle pussy ass nigga i thought in my head.

He put it to my head " imma count to 3 and you better get out my house"he said as i walked backwards heading out the door i got in the car speeding off the ride home was quiet all you heard was liyah sniffling....

Unknown P.O.V.

Haha im the real reason why maurliyah going through all this shit smh and now her ass pregnant she got something coming for her too shii hmm i might just take her nigga she lucky ian pop out when i seen her she lucky she just don't know and she gon be hurt hahaha yall will find out who i am sooner or later im one of the baddest people out here my life got ruined and i ain't afraid to do the same to others shiid will get this glock to yo head but bye assholes😂😂😂*blows kiss*.....

Tae P.O.V.

i walked to her side of the car and took her in the house she headed upstairs and i followed she then sat on the bed looking at me "tae maybe us having a baby is really not a good Idea"she said "you having my child our baby is gonna be a blessing end of discussion fuck what every body sayin they just praying on our down fall and saying shit to bring you down bae me and you and our baby gon be good I put that on god bruh!"i said and tears fell down her face and I walked to her hugging her holding her close to me "baby its gonna be okay"i said as i motioned my hands through her hair she then calmed down and kissed my lips and I kissed back she then got up heading to use the bathroom i then took off my shoes and laid back on the bed falling into a deep sleep....

Morning 5:57am

"Baee wake up"i said shaking liyah who wouldn't budge "movve"she whined

Ughhh here we go🙄🙄🙄

I bridal style picked her up as she had her lil tantrum "fine im up damn put me the fuck down!"she said getting out of my arms going into her closet she pulled out this brown crop top and some jeans and her coach shoes and her face beginning to get a fat a lil but shit I can't tell her than she began putting on her make which took for ever she dont even need that bullshit "baeee we finna be late you been in the damn bathroom forever bruh come on"i said as she opened the door pushing my head aside grabbing her bookbag running to the kitchen grabbing a whole bunch of snacks and juices in her bag as we headed out

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