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3rd person

It was like time had stopped. Dan froze and watched as the car sped away, not stopping. A few strangers had seen what had happened and they rushed to help the lifeless body on the ground.

Dan felt as if he couldn't breathe. He saw his whole life collapse before his eyes.

And it was all his fault.

Dan snapped out of his frozen state and ran as fast as he could towards Phil. Someone was calling an ambulance and Dan just fell onto his knees crying next to Phil.

Dan: Oh God Phil I'm so sorry. This is all my fault!

A random lady who was supporting Phil's head turned to Dan and started talking to him which Dan did not want.

Lady: Do you know this young man?

Dan: *crying* Yes.

Lady: Do you know why he was out on the road while there were a ton of cars? Did he do it on purpose?

Dan: *defensive* He didn't want to get hit by a car! It was my fault! We were having an argument and then he ran out of our apartment.

The lady nodded and looked slightly disapproving. Dan realised that he'd said our apartment. She must've thought that the two were together. Dan didn't care though, that was the least of his worries.

The ambulance arrived and put Phil onto a stretcher to take him to the hospital. Dan was crying in the ambulance with Phil. The paramedics let him come although he wasn't family as Dan looked so distressed. The paramedics were rushing around Phil with machinery that Dan had never seen before. He just hoped that they would help Phil somehow.

Once they got to the hospital, they wheeled Phil away to have emergency surgery. Dan got stuck in the waiting room. Dan had always hated hospitals. Too much death and sad things had happened here. This is where his little sister died...so long ago.

Dan had been waiting for over an hour when a young man ran through the doors. He went to the receptionist and spoke quickly.

Man: I'm here for Phil Michael Lester.

The receptionist nodded and told him to go to the waiting room. Once he'd turned around, he saw who it was.

Martin Lester.

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