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3rd person

Dan decided that it was time to get out of bed. He couldn't hide in his room forever. He walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to take his tablets, which is what he should've been doing before Phil died.

But Phil was alive?

The confusion hurt Dan's brain so he tried not to think about it. Dan didn't make any breakfast because he didn't want any. Phil was on the table, on his laptop typing something.

Phil: Are you having any breakfast?

Dan: No I'm not hungry.

Phil frowned and looked at Dan, pushing his glasses up. Phil noticed that Dan looked thin, but not normal thin. Dan was too thin.

Phil: You should eat something anyway, you're getting too thin.

Dan looked down at his body and frowned. If he was in 2015, why was he still as thin as when he wasn't eating in 2017? This didn't make any sense. Dan decided to make a piece of toast so Phil wouldn't worry. He almost gagged while eating the toast. He'd already forgotten what food was like.

Phil: Are you still up for going over Louise's? You don't have to if you're not well.

Dan: Louise's?

Phil: *confused* Yeah. I told you about it before we went to bed last night.

Dan: *realises* Oh right, yeah you did. I'm fine.

Phil: So you still want to go? I'd gladly cancel it after this morning.

Dan: Of course we're gonna go. Let me just get my phone from the kitchen and we'll leave.

Dan walked out of the living room and started walking to the kitchen. That's when he realised what an idiot he was.


Dan had walked straight into the glass door that he'd forgotten was there.

Dan: Crap!

Phil: *laughs* Well done. You forgot it was there?

Dan: Um...yeah. *excuse* It's practically invisible so...

Dan grabs his phone and follows Phil out of the apartment, with Phil still laughing.

Dan and Phil get to Louise's and Louise hugs them both once they get through the door. She hugs Phil first and then Dan. Once she's hugged Dan she frowns at him.

Louise: You are really thin. Are you sick?

Dan: *fake smile* I'm fine.

Louise looks at him doubtful. Dan and Phil follow her into the living room and they all sit down.

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