Pain, Loss, & Love

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In the time between freeing the Divine Beasts and helping the people of Hyrule, Link found himself scouring the countryside for shrines. It was tedious work, really, and he didn't know how much it would really help him in the fight against Ganon, but it was a welcome distraction.

He had traveled most of Hyrule this way, finding shrines and exploring every nook and cranny the wide expanse of country had to offer, both reliving memories and creating new ones. It was relieving, sometimes, when he happened upon a place that he couldn't remember, that held no long lost significance. Sometimes, however, it was worse. Sometimes it made him wonder if he had forgotten what he had already forgotten. It scared him at times; leaving him with a nagging fear that he was losing himself.

Despite all of this, he felt more whole than he began. Yes, his memories were still few and far between, but he had a grasp on himself now more than ever. It was refreshing to know yourself, even just the faintest grasp, a ghost of his past self, after being lost in his own skin for so long.

That being said, he had a nagging feeling and an empty section on his slate. So, he looked North, to the vast expanse of the Hebra Mountains. The Hebra Mountain Range lay untouched, although he didn't know why, precisely. He had the materials, and was prepared for most eventualities. It wasn't the cold, he knew, because he had gladly tackled the challenge of the Gerudo Highlands.

No, there was something about Hebra that was different. It meant something to him, or something there did. Subconsciously, he thinks, he wasn't ready for it; for what he may find.

But now, there was nowhere else to run in all of Hyrule. Because, he realised now, he had been running. Running to every other piece of him that the country held- all in an attempt to avoid one. One piece of him- an important one, he could tell by the feeling in his gut. The final piece, the one that would bring everything together.

He shook his head once, forcibly pulling himself from his introspection as he looked away from where the mountains glimmered in the setting sun. He looked down at his hands instead, which gripped tightly the leather reins of his horse, and took a few deep breaths. He was in his head far too much nowadays for it to bring any good.

A soft nicker drew his attention, and he looked up to see Leia had turned her head to look at him. He patted her neck softly, taking a moment to appreciate the softness of her hair, before reaching into his saddle bag and rummaging around. After a moment he produced an apple and handed it to her, to which she graciously accepted, making quick work of the treat. Link looked once more to Hebra, an air of purposive finality setting over him. He couldn't run anymore.

He then spurred Leia on and set a track for Rito Village. It was as good of a place as any to start. It lay nestled in the foothills of Hebra after all, and he was sure the Rito had a few tips or rumors he could look into. It seemed like every village or establishment had a rumor or two that led to a shrine.

It had long been dark by the time he reached Rito Village, with only the Stable Master still awake by the time he reached it. The Stable Master sat dozing, visible only by the light of a single candle that sat adjacent to his arm, dangerously close to the edge of the built in desk. Link took it upon himself to move the candle back a few inches, inadvertently waking the other man in the process.

"Oh- yes, how can I help you?" The Stable Master asked as he jerked awake, crossing his arms and trying to appear mildly professional, despite the fact that he knew Link had seen him asleep only moments prior.

"I'd like to board my horse," Link stated, voice rough with gravel. The state of his own voice surprised him- and by the look on the Stable Master's face, he was surprised as well. Link cleared his throat and snuck a glance over to where Rito Village towered over them.

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