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It was a surprisingly short ride to the furthest edges of Castle Town from Rito Village, and Link found himself at his destination by mid-day. Link wondered if an eternally half-distracted mind helped the journey pass rapidly, and with ease. He figured that was most likely an accurate statement to make, especially given how generally spacy he had been lately. He wondered if he had always been this way- he figured he would have to ask Zelda, when this was all over. If he were able to , a voice in his head chimed, and Link winced at the thought before putting it out of his mind.

He dismounted, his feet touching down on the gravelly ground with an audible crunch. Link looked down at his feet, at the broken brick and glass that covered the ground evenly. There was burnt shards of wood scattered in the mix as well, he realized after a moments consideration. There were a few short pieces of wood jutting out of the ground, parts of an old foundation, cracked and burnt and eroded by time.

Link looked out over the scene, a deep sadness gripping his gut and leaving a chill on his skin that crawled and squirmed with a deep set knowlage that something terrible had happened in this very spot. Link did not have to guess what; the devastation caused in the wake of the Calamity had clear marks. The acrid taste and smell of Castle Town burning lingered in him to this day, the frantic screams of the townspeople still echoed in his ears. Shotty memory or not, he doubted he would ever forget that day. His mind might, one day, but his body never would.

He turned away from the scene before him, choosing to instead riffle through his saddle bags, pulling out a bag of apples and carrots that he had set aside for Leia. He set the bag at his feet, closing up the saddlebag and tying it shut. Pulling an apple out, Link began to feed Leia, stroking her nose as he did so. It was an attempt to soothe his somewhat frayed nerves, as well as to prepare himself for the fight ahead.

A rumbling roar came from the castle, shaking the ground. A call to battle- Ganon knew he was here. Link stared at a grassy hill in the distance, jaw clenched tightly as he breathed heavily out of his nose in a way that was almost both a groan and a sigh. It was time to end it.

Link kicked the bag holding Leia's treats open- something for her to munch on while he was gone- and turned to the castle. The Master Sword hung heavy on his back, it's weight more apparent than ever. The castle stood stark against the sky, blackened with malice, and each dark spire cut into the clouds with a harshness that was normally quite hard to convey visually. Dark grey clouds hung from the sky, casting a quietness over the landscape. It felt as if the land itself was holding its breath, watching on with great anticipation, desperate to know the outcome but afraid of the results.

He took the first step forward hesitantly, the gravel beneath his feet crunching softly with the shifting of weight. Then, he took the next step, and another after that. His feet moved on their own after that, each step easier than the last. It wasn't so much fear, as it was apprehension that was holding him back. Dread. Worry for the future, of what lay after Ganon's demise. Of what might happen if he was unsuccessful, if Ganon defeated him.

Perhaps it was fear, after all.

Fear or not, what he felt now was unimportant. He stood before the entrance into Hyrule Castle, the once grand entryway now broken and burnt, reduced to nothing but rubble in some places. He could see the Sanctum inside, and found himself momentarily frozen, snippets of memories flashing before his eyes. It was here that the role of Champion had been bestowed upon him. It was fitting that here is where he would fulfill that role.

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