When Will You Come Home?

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The next morning, they rose not long after the sun, a hunch needing to be discussed. Given Urbosa's statement of the previous night, that the other Champions still lived, Link knew that they had to make make a plan. They would have to call for what was, essentially, a nationwide manhunt. Despite Zelda being the princess of Hyrule, to arrange something like that would require a lot of planning and preparation- as well as an understanding of where exactly they needed to be looking.

"I think that the Champions are appearing at the place where the Divine Beasts rested for a hundred years," Link said once their small group gathered around a table, a map of Hyrule spread out between them. Urbosa took out a pencil and circled a piece of desert South of Gerudo Town.

"That is roughly the area where I woke up. I don't, however, know where Naboris rested for the past hundred years. But, given that I awoke in a crater, I'd say you aren't far off."

"Naboris did come from from the southern stretch of desert," Riju added, looking around at the others, "Do you know the resting spots of the other three Divine Beasts?"

Link, Zelda, and Urbosa all stared at each other for a moment, contemplating possible locations. "Rudania likely rested in the badlands; Medoh somewhere beyond Hebra," Link said, and Urbosa hummed in agreement, nodding along.

"But Ruta... surely not the reservoir?" Urbosa said, half thinking aloud. They turned to Zelda, who wore a contemplative look on her face.

"You would think that if Ruta merely rested in the reservoir, that we would have found Mipha by now. That the Zora would have found her." Zelda threw out, crossing her arms with a frown. Riju watched the discussion unfold before her, trying her best to keep up.

"Perhaps Ruta did not find it's resting spot in the reservoir, but somewhere else. Zora's Domain is by the ocean, so perhaps that is the spot that Ruta chose," Riju suggested, pointing to a spot on the map. Zelda blanched.

"I hope not- the Zora aren't saltwater, they're fresh. It would kill her, right?" At that, Zelda looked to Link, who stared at the map, frowning.

"Sidon has never had any problems with saltwater," Link said after a moment, and Zelda nodded, an indication for him to go on. "Neither has King Dorephan, if I recall correctly. I might not be. But, it's a possibility that Mipha could tolerate saltwater. And if that's so..." Link let himself trail off, and Zelda gave a deep sigh of apprehension.

"We can't search the entire ocean," Zelda said, voice nearly a whisper.

"We don't know anything for sure," Urbosa interrupted suddenly, "I suggest we head to Zora's Domain first, but send word to all of the other races to start looking. We can help search the area."

Urbosa paused for a beat, looking at Zelda's despondent expression. It was clear from her expression that what little hope she had gained has quite quickly been diminished by the daunting and possibly fruitless task that lay ahead of them. Urbosa lay a comforting hand on Zelda's shoulder, "We'll find her. I promise."

Zelda smiled weakly up at Urbosa, trying her best to keep hope. Beside her, Link circled out a few possible locations on the map, then pulled out a small stack of paper and set to work penciling out three letters- one to each race. Yes, Zora's Domain was already on high alert, but Link knew what this letter would be. A call to arms, technically, a sign of hope. Word from Princess Zelda and her Hylian Champion that yes, their beloved Princess was alive. She's out there, somewhere, alive and well even after a hundred years.

Link clenched his jaw tightly, a thousand and one emotions bubbling in chest, and he could feel that his eyes were inclined to tears. But, he didn't cry, instead he clenched the pencil tighter in his hand, sighed, and penned the next letter. Hope was stirring in his heart once more, but along with it, he felt nothing but near paralyzing fear. There were a thousand questions and worst case scenarios running through his head- What if he was wrong? What if they were too late? What if the others couldn't be saved?

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