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(For communistchina13)

"H..he kissed my flower shaped birthmark.. The one on my thigh" Taiwan blushed telling Hong Kong of her and Canada's steamy, adventurous night. "Uh.. Too much information"

"Oh come on! You can handle it I mean you told me about Iceland's dick size so I mean it doesn't really matter right?" She argued, which made the other start nodding. "I see you're point"

"He did what what?! You did what what?!" Yao barged in like the protective older sibling he his. "Oh fuck off Yao" Taiwan sighed, rolling her eyes at having to hear another long “don't do sex or you die” lecture again. "You mainlanders never know when to shut up" Hong Kong added in earning a “respect you're elders” lecture added to the mix. Of course the two paid the old man little to no mind and just let him babble away. Remembering that her darling was in a hotel nearby the Taiwanese girl quietly snuck out and made her way to his hotel room. "Ah your so cute when you sleep"


"Oh that was easy through the window"

"The wind–wait how'd you know my hotel number?" Mathew asked a bit confused but Still half asleep. "Oh when you got drunk last night you told me silly!" I'm truth the Taiwanese girl stalked the poor guy prior to everything but what he won't know won't hurt him. "Hm.. Okay" back asleep the guy went well.. Until a certain someone decided to barge in. "NO SEX YOU DIE" god damn it China.. How'd he even find her loca–"HONG KONG WHY YOU TELL HIM?!"

"That's for leaving me alone with him you prick" after flipping her off he moonwalked out of the room. The poor Canadian tried to intervene saying how rude both of their actions were but alas! He got ignored.. Like always.. "Why'd did my yandere have to be stalker?! I want sleep" he wept and wept.. Cursing the heavens but oh look! that also got ignored.

(FYI, Taiwan is gorgeous and deserves all the love in the world^^)

(FYI, Taiwan is gorgeous and deserves all the love in the world^^)

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