{Chapter Two}

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School had finished for the day and it was time to go home. Taehyung met up with me at the lockers again since we are in different classes, I grabbed my phone and other books so I could study that night and we began to walk home together.

I honestly didn't want to go home, I didn't want to stay at school earlier. Both were just hell for me and there wasn't really any happy place I could go except Taehyung's house- which I'm not allowed to anymore.

My parents were strict. Too strict. Strict to the point it was having an affect on me, physically and mentally and I hated it.

Taehyung's house was closer to the school than mine which I was extremely thankful for because if my parents saw me walking home with him I would be in a lot of trouble.

"Wanna come in for a while?" Taehyung asked. He probably knew my answer since he knew what my parents were like.

"I can't sorry. My parents-"

"Hey it's okay I know," Taehyung smiled at me, "It's not your fault. I shouldn't have said that I wanted to suck Jungkook's dick infront of your parents!"

I facepalmed. Every time I think of that moment I cringe because of what happened. Taehyung said it one day and thought that my parents weren't in the house and boy were they mad when they heard him say that. That's why he's not allowed near me. My parents say he will "infect" me.

"Bye Taehyungie I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled and waved at him.

"Good luck!" He replied and ran round to his back door.

I'll need it.


I stood at the gate to my house. Quietly opening it I walked smartly up to the front door adjusting my tie so I looked proper. I opened the door and questioned a "hello?" To see if anyone was at home.

"Jimin," my mother spoke, "welcome home."

"Hello mother," I quietly replied, "I got full marks on my maths test today. All the studying really paid off."

"Mhm well done," she didn't really seem interested, "Go study for the rest of the day you father will call you down later to be cleansed."


Oh yes I forgot to mention something.

My parents were both Christians- Not just normal happy Christians but EXTREME Christians. They called everything that went against the bible an abomination.

Please don't get me wrong, I don't hate Christians at all, or God or Jesus stuff. It's my parents that have made me terrified of it. Scaring me that I will rot and burn in hell if I commit any sin.

That's the reason they don't like Taehyung, because he's gay. It's probably the thing they hate the most. I'm so glad I'm not gay or else I would probably be thrown away, called terrible names and I'd have to live on the street.

My parents don't support any of the things I like either. Dancing, singing, the music genres I listen to... it really sucks seeing happy families while mine is more like prison where I'm stuck with strict extremely religious parents that treat me like a robot and not their son.

I've also always had to have good grades. Anything under 100% and my parents will be mad.

"Do you want to get into the highest university?We're doing all this work for you and this is how you do in exams?" My parents would tell me if I get lower than 100%.

They probably don't know but it puts a hell of a lot of pressure on me. I feel like I'm not good enough. Having parents that don't support your dreams is a living hell.

They've never physically abused me but I get verbally abused almost everyday. It's having an effect on me mentally and lately I've been getting panic attacks if I don't do well in class or if they see me with Taehyung or if I'm doing something that goes against what they "believe".

I tried to shake everything out of my head. I changed into some casual clothes and began to study. I first started with what I was least good at, algebra and then worked on to easier things like equations.

I saw the screen on my laptop light up with a notification.

"Sunbin has uploaded a new video!"

I quickly slid my laptop over. Sunbin was my favourite dancer, he was amazing! The song started off slowly, he moved elegantly and flowed with the beat of the music. Suddenly the music has some sort of twist where it was much more of a hip hop beat. These were my favourite type of dancing videos. They made my spine shiver and they made me want to try!

I would sometimes try to teach myself different dance routines and moves if my parents were away. Dance was one of the things that I really wanted to pursue as a dream, I just get so hyped about it!


The front door downstairs slammed shut. I quickly moved my laptop away and shut it off. I grabbed my books again and began flicking through them just in time for my father to barge through the door.

"Jimin, downstairs now." He commanded.

I got up immediately and headed downstairs into the kitchen. It was the time of the week again for being "cleansed" because apparently I wasn't as good as my parents.

Not that I cared at all because I was an atheist but if I dared tell my parents that I was it would be highly likely I would be kicked out and I wouldn't have anywhere else to go.

Once I got downstairs they led me in to a small dark room and locked the door with multiple padlocks. Candles were scattered everywhere and my mother went around the room lighting each one with a small matchstick.

It honestly looked more like a Satanic ritual that a cleansing ritual.

I had to wear special clothes and bathe in a pool of holy water before the ritual could began. Dunking under the water five times I came back up to the surface and stepped out of the pool dripping in the so called "holy water," that was just plain old lukewarm water with a cross in it.

Then I had to stand in the middle of a room while my parents drew a salt circle around me which would block whatever bad things are around me from getting to me while preforming the cleansing ritual.

It went on for about half an hour of them trying to get the bad stuff out of me, chanting and proclaiming verses from the bible. Finally when it was over they broke the salt circle and asked me to leave.

No thank you, or no well done.

Just a "leave."

Which I gladly did. There was literally no point of me doing this.

I walked back up the stairs to my room. My house was quite old but a rich family used to live in it so it was really grand looking. I painted my room though so it looked slightly more modern. I didn't really like the old type look.

Deciding it might be best to get a shower I grabbed a towel and some clean sweatpants and a clean white shirt and took off the clothes I had on that were soaked with "Holy Water."

Stepping into the shower and turning on the water to hot, I cleaned my red hair and let the water pour over me.

I was still the same old nerdy Park Jimin and no ritual or person could change that.


Sorry for boring chapter it will get more interesting I promise! This is a kinda important chapter because you see what Jimin's parents are like and how it will affect him later in the story! ;)
*Also, I'm sure Jimin's  parents are not like this in real life. It's only for story purposes!😊*

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