{Chapter Four}

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I froze.

Out of everyone in this entire school it just had to be Yoongi to come out of the stall.

He glared into my eyes, and I tried to slowly step back out of his way. He didn't look very presentable. His uniform was messy, shirt not tucked it, top two buttons undone, his tie barely just staying together and he wore dark red vans instead of black school schools.

His eyes swept over my shaking body until meeting with my eyes again.

"Hey," he spoke. His eyes were intimidating and I quickly wanted to get out of the situation before something bad would happen.

I backed away slowly, he kept stepping towards me and grabbed one of my wrists. At this point I was almost having a panic attack, he could do anything to me right now and I'd be vulnerable. My body was trembling and it felt as if my legs would just fall from under me.

I was about to cry a weak 'help' but before I could he interrupted,

"Relax... please," his voice was much calmer than what I imagined, "I'm not going to hurt you."


I stood, still shaking, with my mouth lying wide open. I was confused. I thought he hated me, but then again why would he hate me anyway?

Yoongi wasn't much taller than me but it was the way he stood, how he acted and his fiery eyes that made me imagine he would hurt me. It gave him the perfect character for being a bad boy.

He let go of my wrists but didn't leave. He just stood looking at me, hands in his pockets slightly hunched over and ruffled his dark blonde hair.

I made a move to leave.


I stopped and faced him trying my best not to look into his eyes because I knew they would scare me.

"I need to talk to you." He mumbled in a monotone voice, not really with much emotion but I didn't dare move. I did not want to mess with him so I decided to listen.

"Y-yes?" I replied, he could probably tell I was nervous. I had no idea what he was going to say and there is probably no way it was a good thing either.

"Meet me here tomorrow, 9am. Don't bother bringing any school books, you'll not need them."

And that was it, he left as soon as he spoke leaving me very confused and very frightened for what was to come tomorrow at 9am.


Short chapter but important one! I wanted to keep it short and sweet so you'll be able to remember :)

Next chapter will be out tomorrow since this one was quite short! (It's already written so you don't need to worry about another month until a update)

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