You Send Me

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The bullet hung in the air with profound expectations, and the blood made a pretty picture of crimson and corpse. With a deathly bang, the courier fell. And with it, the future of change.


A gasp escaped his lungs as he watched her body fall limp, a thud audible as her bones slumped upon the dust. He could not move, only watch. Only a few moments ago had he began watching the brutal spectacle, but Alec felt an ache as he watched the girl drop; she was only a simple courier, with a seemingly complex parcel.

The leader, one they named as Benny, observed the casino chip with a bored expression before departing into the shroud of darkness. And with it, an opportunity of rescue was presented.

Alec wondered why he risked all to save the girl, running out of his hidden place. His Legion robes danced in the moonlight, blade clicking at his side with each stride, and his feet scrambled up the dust and into the graveyard. A lantern, burning grimly beside the grave, lead him to her. Or rather, to the dirt above her.

Scrambling with adrenaline, he scraped the dirt with feeble fingers, but the ground gave strong resistance to his actions. She could be dead, he thought, and a bullet straight through her brains, he thought. Reason and mindly question was ignored by heartly purpose, but blood seeped from his fingers as he scratched at the dirt.

In the heat of desperation, he did not hear it coming, nor see the flashing beam of violence.

But, he did feel the burning strike of sudden energy, and the warm blood trickling down his chest.


"Do not fail me, Alec, as many have,"

Vulpes whispered with vicious warning, and cold intent reaped from his hues. Pressing a blade into his hand, he retreated to the darker corners of the room, where villany welcomed his snide in open arms.

Nipton hosted only a small number, but many hung upon the wooden crucifixes that day. With rage and purpose, Alec had travelled with the party of Vulpes to purge the inferior infection that had plagued the small settlement, which reeked so close and dear to the Mojave Outpost of the Rangers. Perhaps they would see the infernal flames from their scopes, or perhaps they would eventually smell the dead upon their posts; either way would cause pleasure to Caesar and his Legion.

One of the mongrels growled, and Alec lowered his gaze to meet the furry ferocity.
"Listen carefully, for the instructions hold the weight of  both the Legion and the mighty Caesar himself," Vulpes continued with subtle intensity. For a man, he held horrific weight within the realms of warriors and secrets, for Vulpes Inculta knew each untold whisper and sought out those he could not dare to hear, with deadly efficiency. Today, he bore the wolf helmet, concealing a proportion of his fox-like features, and the tarnished leathers of red.

"Speak to her if you wish, but find the chip and kill the girl. That is all,"

Authors Note:
I hope you have enjoyed the small little snippet of this story, with a few familiar faces. I'll try to make chapters longer from hence forth, and introduce some new characters to the familiar wastes of the Mojave. Well, thanks for reading, and stay tuned.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Fallout franchise, only the original characters brought to the story.

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