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It all started when his mother and sister died. Was when we both were eight years old. Too young, right? That's why it was hard for him to overcome the death of his most loved family members.

Knew about it when I heard the ambulance at his home. I saw everything from my window. They took the bodies to the hospital but they never came back. That's when I told my mother about it and she said to me that they were dead and would never come back because they were in a better place.

Well, I'll get you back to that day...

I was in my room when I heard people screaming from across the street. I looked through my window and saw a woman and a girl on the pavement, and a car against a tree. I didn't know what was happening I just wanted to know what happened to them and if they were okay but my mum came into my room and took me away from the window. She knew something about it but she didn't tell me what happened but the next day some classmates were talking about an accident and I knew that it was the accident I saw last night.

That day at school I realised that someone didn't attend school because their seat was empty. I didn't know who it was. Never paid attention to the person sat in that seat before. I didn't even know if it was a she or a he. Maybe it was a cat. Just kidding. 

After school, my parents told me that there was an accident and that those people who were on the pavement were no longer in this world because they had gone to a better place. My parents told me that these people were angels that were lost but that they found their way back to heaven.  

I still remember that night. I couldn't sleep thinking that my mother also would go to heaven one day.

I didn't know who this person was after two weeks of waiting. One day, I saw a brown haired boy with some blond highlights on it walking into the classroom and sitting on the empty seat. That day, I met Bradley. Well, I didn't meet him, I saw him and heard the teacher calling his name. It was a boy that no one would ever notice. He was too shy and cute and all that at the same time.

Day by day, I paid attention to him but never spoke to him. I really wanted to do it but something was telling me that he didn't want friends. I thought he was better off alone and needed space.

Well, that was the biggest mistake I ever made because when the day I wanted to talk to him he was not here anymore. I would have done something but I just didn't. Never did. And that's the thing I regret the most. I could have made him feel better but then, a friend of mine said to me that Brad was different from everyone and that I had to back off.

When I was little, all I wanted to be was a superhero but since that day I never felt like one. I thought that I could make Brad's days better but I never had the courage to do it. I thought that I would fail.

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