Page Twelve

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Might be crazy but I'm not stepping back. This is what I want right now. I just want to end with this pain I feel in my heart. Pain I've felt for a long time. Pain that's been there since I laid my eyes on Brad. I am not blaming Brad for this. He was an angel. I hope he still is.

Well, you'll know my plan is dying tonight. And I already have a plan for that.

I stole my neighbour's car. They're not home too. It wasn't that hard to break into her house and get the car key. Well, before I start the car, I'll write the last words I have to say.

If you find these pages please hand them to everyone except my parents. I just wrote one for them and it's in my room. They'll find it anyways.

Before I do this, I want you to know that Brad was the one that kept me alive. Never felt this before when I thought about that beautiful face. He was always in my head, in the morning, at midday, at night, every day. He was the light of my life. I fell for him and never got the chance to tell him the truth for being so pathetic and a stupid scared puppy.

God, I'm such a loser. I don't think I'd ever deserve Brad, such an angel.

I fell for him and I don't wanna fall for anyone else. He's the one I want to be with.

Just letting you know that I'd always admire that guy, always love him, always appreciate him. He stole my heart one day and he'll alwaya be in my heart. I'm not that strong to say it out loud. I don't think I am.

Well, this is all for now. Don't hope I'll get well because I won't be here anymore.

This is it.


That night, there was an accident where Connor died instantly. He got himself in a car accident where people was injured, there was no damage. Actually, the only thing damaged was Connor's heart. His heart never healed. He was broken and that was the reason he made that decision of killing himself. He was tortured by everything in his life and he wanted to end it all.

- - - - -

Brad read the last page. The pages Connor once wrote ended up in Brad's hands. Right now, Brad has those pages in his hands. He read them all.

The pages ended up in his hands six months later after Connor's death. Somehow, they ended up in his mail box and he read one every day. Today he read the last page. It was so hard to read those pages when he actually knew who Connor was. Brad knew who Connor was, he knew the boy.

The only difference is that Brad never saw Connor the way he did. He knew the boy because he saw Connor at school every day. He realised that Connor was always staring at him. Brad once thought that it was cute but creepy at the same time but he never thought and would think that Connor was a stalker, but in a good way. He actually thought that Connor was the only one that was not the I-feel-pity-for-you person, just like the others. Brad found him interesting, lovely and friendly but he never made a move. He found him different from the others. Now, Brad regrets it.

Brad took a flight from France to England. There was something he had to do before flying back to France.

He took the pages with him and found the place where Connor's body was. He stood there whilst reading the pages to the grave in front of him. Once he was done with it, he said goodbye because he never had the chance to do it before.

He walked back to the house once Connor and his family lived. There was no one in the house. It actually was on sale but no one really got it.

He made sure that no one would see him stepping into it. Once he was inside, he could smell the humidity all over the house, it smelled like that in every corner of the old, dusty, dirty, and messy house he never entered into.

He looked for the room that he once saw from his window turning the light off after him. He headed to that room. A room that now was inhabited, an empty one. He got the bin and put the pages in it to then fire them. He thought that it was better to burn the pages in the place Connor wrote them. Brad stayed there until all of them burned out. He sat on the floor and then said:

'See you on the other side, man. It won't be soon because I'll do something big in this world to make you feel proud. I'm sorry for never talking to you. Hey! I've still got your coat. I'll keep it and give it to my first son, who I will name Connor. I'm gonna have a baby. Went to a party one day and got drunk, then met this girl that now will leave me once the baby gets here and, is a boy. I'm sorry for all the damage I caused you, I didn't know it until this pages were in my hands. I'm really sorry, Connor. Wish you were here. Goodbye, man.'

The End.

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