3: Piano

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The room was very plain. White walls and white sheets, a black couch and black shelves. The drapes were black, but thin so the sun could almost pear through them. Where the bed sat, near the windows and away from the door, it was elevated. Only a few inches but there was a step. To the right of the bed was a door, either a closet or a bathroom, there was a matching door on the left.

Arianna dropped her bag onto the bed, and felt the sheets. Silk. She sighed and began dropping each of her weapons onto the bed. Her Steele, knives, pocket knife. All her other weapons were still in London, with Sebastian. He said he would send then through in a week or so.

She missed him, Sebastian that was. There was an ache in her chest, from being this far away from him. She could hardly breath because of the pull on her lower abdomen. A week was forever to parabatai, they would be able to feel their bodies pulling towards each other. Perhaps she would go for a walk. Throughout the Institute, to learn the layout and get her mind off her chest pains.

The Halls were empty, it was eerie she thought. She supposed she would be scared if she didn't know any better. Nothing could get into the Institute unless it was let in, and apart from that Vampires and Demons couldn't come in. And there was no full moon so out of control Werewolves didn't probable. Th only thing there was to worry about was other Shadowhunters that didn't trust her.

The sound of a piano drew Ariannas attentions away from the paining of Will Herondale hanging on the wall. She looked up and started wondering in the direction of the piano. The sound was soft and barely audible through the thick walls. Finally she found herself standing in front of the library doors which were latched shut.

As the doors open Jace's head shot up and his fingers stilled. It was the girl that came in with Simon earlier, Arianna? She was beautiful. She had long blonde hair that reached the middle of her back. She had hips like Izzy did, wide but her waist wasn't as slim. Society probably would define her as fat and ugly, but she wasn't. Her cheekbones were high on her face and her jaw sharp.

"Oh," Arianna said, looking at Jace's state, "I'm sorry I heard the piano and wanted to hear it better." She wasn't lying, she had wanted to hear the piano. But the fact that Jace was the one playing the piano made it better, she could start to gain his trust.

"It's Arianna right?" Jace asked, she nodded back to him. Jace flashed her a smile, well his attempt at a smile, "No worries, you just startled me." Jace licked his lips, Ari walked closer, "It's not everyday a beautiful girl walks in just to hear me play." Arianna almost laughed, but settled for a half baked smile.

Jace was charismatic, she would give him that. The eyes and the smile and the way he carried himself was cocky. Not the bad way, but he held his head high. Jace knew he was good looking, and she was sure he used that to his advantage.

"Right, well I'll leave you to play." Arianna said, looking around the Library, the ceiling never ended, "Sorry again."

Jace scowled, "You can stay." He spoke hesitantly. Jace wasn't always quick to invited new people into his life, but she was beautiful and he was single. Arianna scowled for a moment before walking over to the piano bench. Jace slid over to make space for her.

Arianna watched Jace's fingers dance across the keys with easy. At first he was looking down at the keys but soon his eyes drifted close. Ari watched him, he suddenly didn't look anything like Sebastian or Valentine. He looked content and at ease, something she never saw in Valentine and scarcely in Sebastian. She then understood why Valentine praised him, Jace was swift and calm, he was more level headed then Sebastian. And with Valentine being so quick to make decisions, Jace was the other half of that.

When Jace stopped he looked up at Arianna, "My father taught me that." Jace looked down at his feet for a moment. Did he know who his father was? Did he know who Sebastian was? "He was cruel man but he did give me one thing, music." Arianna figured he hardly played and didn't like playing for other, maybe that's why he played at night.

"Is that why you play at night?" She asked, not afraid to over step her welcome. Jace raised an eyebrow, not completely understanding, "So you're alone?" Jace nodded as his hands fell from the keys.

"You're good at reading people." Jace spoke quietly, it wasn't a question but more of a statement. The library was dark

Arianna nodded, still watching him. "Yeah." It was a one word answer. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say to him in order to get him to trust her. "When I was a kid I was afraid of the dark," The left side of Jace's face tugged up to form half a smile, "My mom taught me to be observant, so that when I went to sleep and the lights were off I would know where everything was. So I wouldn't be afraid when I was the shadow of a coat on the back of my door." Arianna told him. Jace nodded, his face like a statue.

Arianna had never told anyone but Sebastian and her mom that. Her face burrowed as Jace smiled halfly, then continued playing the piano.

Word Count: 967

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