4: More of a Pull

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Arianna made her way to the Training Room, alone. It was still early since after she and Jace parted she hadn't gone back to sleep. She felt too at odds to sleep.

The training room here was just the same as the one in London. Apart from all the fallen arrows laying all over, no one in London's uses a bow and arrow as their weapon of choice. And their weapons weren't scattered in a corner like in London, they were all neatly placed in a separate room next door, only a glass door separated the two rooms.

Ari sighed before taping her hands, getting ready to practice her hand to hand combat. She threw her hands at the dummy repeatedly, every once and a while using her legs. Her motions were repeated over and over, using this as muscle memory.

Despite being in New York in order to take down Jace for Sebastian's sake, Arianna still had to train. To keep up and keep in shape. So that when the time came, Jace didn't end up killing her. And for after, when she would go back to London. No part of her wanted to hear from Valentine how far she had fallen.

The doors to the training room opened, Arianna glanced over to the doors. It was Izzy and Simon. Now Simon was dressed in training shorts and a T-shirt, his shirt fit this time. Izzy had only a sports bra and leggings on, both of them slipped their shoes off before walking into the training mat.

Izzy face Arianna a sideways glance, "Early morning training?" Isabelle asked, as she began wrapping her hands and picked up a two bow staffs.

"Uh yeah couldn't sleep." Arianna said as she continued her motions. She couldn't sleep because it hurt to breath. It hurt to breath because she was over 3000 miles from Sebastian. Her parabatai rune ached, reminding her she was too far away from him.

"Too far away from home?" Simon asked, while dropping his hands down to his sides. Arianna pressed her lips while looking down. Izzy started at her for a moment.

Arianna sighed, "Yeah something like that." She mumbled to herself and continued hitting the dummy with her eyes sharp. Arianna looked down at her side, the top of her parabatai rune stuck out slightly. She sighed and tugged her leggings up.

Jace, Alec and Clary came on next. Filled next to each other, dressed in workout clothes. One again Jace didn't have a shirt on, and it didn't look like he had slept much. Arianna sighed and just worked harder without looking at them.

Jace looked over at her, then back to Alec and Clary. "Arianna." He called "Need a sparing partner?" Alec gave him an odd look before glancing down at Clary whose eyes were wide as well.

Arianna looked up, meeting Jace's glance. "Yeah sure." She said with a shrug before kicking her shoes off. She was surprised that he had invited her to spare with him, but maybe it was working, her trying to gain his trust.

Clary and Alec both held glares to their faces before Clary grabbed Simon and Alec grabbed Izzy in order to spar. It didn't seem like Alec liked Clary all that much, that he would rather spare with his sister, Arianna gave it little thought.

No one talked, all the noise in the room was skin on skin and hard breathing. Arianna, could tell that Jace was holding back and almost beating her now. Arianna could tell he was getting upset, as if he expected more from her. She stepped back, looking at Jace with a jagged breath.

Jace stopped, looking down at her stomach. "You said you came alone?" He asked, seeing her parabatai rune. It wasn't faded so whoever it was, wasn't dead. Maybe they were fighting so she moved 3000 miles away. That seemed to far, to far for the rune to handle.

"Yes." Arianna said, trying to focus on her fighting instead of the ache in her side. Her voice was sharp, indicating she didn't want to talk but to blow off steam and keep her distance from everyone.

Jace dodged her fist, gasping her hand so that her face was nearly pressed against his, "Are they coming?" Jace asked her, for a moment Arianna felt all the air leave her lungs. Had he figured her out? "Your parabatai that is, the rune has got to be killing you." Jace glanced across the mat at Alec. The furtherest he had ever been from Alec was when the Inquisitioner dragged him to the City of Bones. But that was hardly 30 miles, he couldn't even imagine being 3000 miles away from Alec.

"He isn't coming for a week." Arianna said looking down at the mat. She didn't want to talk about Sebastian, not to these people. She didn't know them and she didn't want them to know her.

Jace look skeptical, "A week?" He swallowed, feeling uncomfortable thinking about the pull. The pull that he had felt from his parabatai rune when he was in the City of Bones. "Isn't that a long time?"

Arianna stopped, looking at them all with narrowed eyes. It was none of their business, her and Sebastian. She didn't understand why they were so concerned about her and Sebastian. They didn't know her. She wasn't very good at opening to people.

"Yeah," Arianna said, "It's the longest we've ever been apart." Sebastian and Arianna had been inseparable since he arrived in London. They became parabatai when they were twelve, now at seventeen they had never been apart.

"Does it hurt?" Jace asked, his voice hesitant again, the two of them were now separated. Jace's hand reached out slightly to the rune. Alec shot him a glare, Jace cleared his throat as if to apologize. "Your rune I mean." Part of Jace was asking because he wanted to know, in case he and Alec ever got separated. But the other part of him wanted to know for her, because he felt bad.

"Um-" Arianna paused, she still wasn't sure she wanted to share this much personal information with these people. But she had to gain their trust. "It's more of an ache or a pull then just pain." Jace nodded, hoping to never feel that. Arianna watched his face, then looked away from Jace.

Word Count: 1071

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