Knocking me down

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So here's the sequel. All I want you to do is read the epilouge one last time before you start on this. Also read the first story if you didn't read it already...

Also I had a little competition where 2 people were going to win. Well now there are three.

TrinaElizebeth: Playing Katrina. Angel's roommate.

WishingOnA1DStar: Playing Louise. Also Angel's roommate. Played by Diana Argon.

13SmileGirl13: Playing Mellisa who is Katrina's best mate. Played by Emma Roberts.


I didn't get any boy entries...


"You can leave your luggage there, we'll bring it up." the other guard says. I leave my two carry-ons there and take my duffle-bag and other two carry-ons. Jerome does the same.

“Now,” the guard says, handing me and Jerome a room key and folder full of papers each. “If you bring in a car just swipe this in”, the other one says, with his heavy accent.

“Don’t stay out after 10pm or you’ll be locked out and I’m afraid you’d have to find another place to stay.” I nod. “Gates locked from 10pm to 7am”.

I smile and go ahead with Jerome.

“Can you believe our dream has come true,” Jerome muses. I don’t respond. I’m actually so happy that I’ve gone mute.

I check my room key and see that my room number is on it; 207.

Soon I’m standing in front of a sign saying ‘200-400 GIRLS’.

“Well this is it,” I say, with a sad smile. Jerome pulls me in a bear-hug.

“Promise me,” Jerome says, “That we’ll still hang out.” I smile an unsteady smile

“Duh! I’m not going to forget an absolute legend!” I say. “We were going to share this dream together and we will.” We share one last hug before heading off into different directions.


I take a deep breath before I open the door and step in. I leave my carry-ons beside the door and head in with my douche bag on my back.

The room is small but good enough to live in. The kitchen and living room are both one room. The living room has three, red armchairs, each spaced out with side-tables. The wallpaper of the kitchen and living room is a cosy brown colour. On the left wall is an intercom speaker and beside that is a wall phone, connecting the students with staff. Both things are placed beside a window giving the view of the front entrance and Big Ben.

I escape the living room and go in trough a door leading me to the bedrooms. It has three beds and red wallpaper with tiny pink flowers. There, stands a girl with cherry-red hair, unpacking. My new roommate. She turns around.

“Oh hello”, she says, with a light English accent. “I’m Katrina Ellingsworth,” she introduces, holding out her hand. I smile and shake it.

“Angelina Davis,” I say, “But, you can call me Angie or Angel.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

I take one of the identical beds and put my douche bag on it. Every bed got a side table and the first thing I did was take out two pictures. One of my family and one of Jerome and I. I smile at the thought of when this picture was taken. Jerome was pulling a funny face and I was holding my eyelids up.

Knocking me down (Sequel to Knocking On My Door)Where stories live. Discover now