real life

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the day of x factor had arrived. the boys were nervous yet so excited. this was their first official performance on international tv. they were currently at rehearsal for the show.

"hey eggwin." isabella yelled as she sat down next to edwin. "hey bells." edwin yelled back. isabella opened up her twitter to see her mentions were blowing up. she clicked to scroll through her mentions only to see cute messages some beanz had tweeted to her. "hey baby." brandon said as he sat isabella's lap. "i'm dying. i can't breathe." isabella joked.

"get off of her! you're hurting her! my long lost sister!" edwin shouted. the two lovestruck teens laughed at their friends reaction as brandon got up. "you know i started to feel bad for you but now not so much." edwin scoffed. alissa walked in the room only to be followed by zion and austin. "zion you can't say anything." alissa begged. "what did you tell him?" nick asked.

"i told him something confidential." alissa said. the boys and alexys laughed at alissa's comment. isabella and alissa exchanged confused looks not knowing what was going on. "you can't tell zion anything because he'll spill right away." edwin chuckled. "that's what i told her!" austin sang. apparently the boys threw austin what would've been a surprise party until zion told him.  alissa groaned hoping zion wouldn't say anything.

"hey isabella. i didn't know you were into art." alexys said changing the subject. "i was actually planning on going to school for art like drawing and painting."  isabella smiled. isabella considered dancing, art, and modeling her only passions. she wasn't really the athletic person in school although her dad forced her to play softball. "i seen you drawing on the way here and it looks great." alexys smiled. "that's why her and austin get along great." noah said.

"she draws. i doodle." austin defended isabella's art. brandon smiled at his friends who actually genuinely liked his girl. "she makes all this art but she doesn't know she is art herself." brandon smiled. isabella's face became red as brandon complimented her.

"yeah yeah yeah. how cute. i'm throwing up." nick joked. alexys hit his arm signaling nick to shut up causing the group of friends to laugh "prettymuch your rehearsal is in 10." a guy with a clipboard said. "well we better get going because nick will somehow manage to be late." zion joked.

"that's so funny i forgot to laugh z." nick said as he followed zion out the door. "see you later babe." brandon kissed goodbye.

the girls rushed back to the hotel to get ready for the taping of the show. "i honestly hope you and brandon get married." alexys told bella. alexys seen how happy the two teens made each other and hoped nothing but the best for them.  "i know right!" alissa agreed with alexys. isabella smiled at her two friends. "hey alexys do you know who charlotte is?" bella asked.

recently this girl charlotte had been commenting on her posts as well as brandon's. it really bothered isabella but she thought it was too early to freak out about this girl. "ooh girl i texted nick when she first commented on brandon's post with noah. as far as nick knows they're friends from home." alexys assured.

"i wouldn't worry about it bells. i mean brandon looks at you the way you look at art." alissa smiled. isabella hugged her best friend. alissa and isabella met when isabella moved to la for modeling. she was the first person bella actually trusted because let's face it, you can't trust anyone in la. especially "friends" in the same business. los angeles was filled with fake people who falsely advertised themselves as good people.

the moment the group of friends had been waiting for was finally here. the boys were about to perform no more and they couldn't be anymore hyped. brandon was a ball of energy who was ready to go. austin was jumping up and down, screaming his head off. edwin was hyping himself up. nick was trying to act like he wasn't nervous but it wasn't working. as for zion, zion was being zion about it.

"we have to go bee. good luck even though you don't need it." isabella smiled as she hugged her boyfriend. "don't need it if you're here." brandon said. "good luck guys!" the girls and noah shouted. they waved goodbye and made their way to their seats.

simon had messed up announcing the boys but the boys quickly brushed it off. as soon as zion started singing the girls were screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs. the girls earned a few stares and smiles but they could care less. "girl you ain't gon be wasting time!" isabella shouted her boyfriends lyrics.
"fuck it up edwin." isabella and alissa laughed.

alexys shouted at the top of her lungs when nick hit is solo. noah had recorded the girls reaction to post on twitter and instagram later. "they're so good! the guy in the blue tracksuit is hot!" a girl said once they finished. "the one with the glasses or the blonde one." her friend said.

"aw man they have girlfriends. the tracksuit and glasses guy. " the girl said.

alexys, alissa and bella laughed at their response.

"that was amazing!" zion yelled as his 4 friends walked in. isabella ran to brandon to congratulate him. brandon picked up isabella and spun her around before planting a kiss on her lips. "we did it." brandon smiled. "i have video of alexys and bella hyping you guys up." noah interrupted.

the boys were invited to an after party which they agreed to go to expect brandon. "no you guys go ahead. i'm going to be with my girl tonight." he smiled. the boys and girls wiggled their eyebrows at the couple as they headed off.

"how does dinner and a movie sound?" brandon asked with biggest smile on his face.

i rewrote this chapter like 3 times but i like the end product. happy new years! stay safe everyone!

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