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" oh hey , cheif jaehyun .. you shocked me " i replied as i finally recognised the person .

" so ? what are you doing here ?? "
he said while slightly chuckling looking at me still in shock .

" um . nothing important actually.."
i shuttered.

he laughed " oh i can see that "

" i was just walking around actually.. i really like it here " i tried to be honest.

" of course you are haha but like , how do you even walk till here ?? its already way far from the city " he exclaimed.

" um , oh really ? i didn't notice that " i replied .

"i .. was actually wondering, what is that ? i mean like who's house is that ?"
i asked while pointing at the house i saw earlier.

he then looked at it and smiles at me
" im not sure either .. maybeu we shouldn't bother it though.. um lets go now , or im afraid the owner will notice that we're here" he said .

" i'll guide you back to the city "
he added .

" wait .. are you in charge at here today ? " i asked .

" not really, i was just walking around heading to the city but then i saw you.. i really do think that you shouldn't be here often.. mostly this area " he replied .

" ah .. ok " i said and then started to walking away . luckily he's here..

" um jiyeon , its this way " he exclaimed.

" oh ha .. ha .. thats awkward hahaha sorry .. i dont really remember where did i came from " i said .

" its okay , just follow me ." he said as he smiled looking me with my foolishness.

" um sir ... i know this is random but . i have been always wondering how old are you actually.. i mean like .. you looked young , im confused " i asked him as we walked together to brake the silence.

he chuckles " im actually the same age as you " he replied.

i stopped " Whutttt the heck ?? seriously?? cheif "

he laughed " yea actually.. i was just having a part time as a police thats all , im in school too but just not the same as yours "

" wow that's shocking haha "
" oh you already knew much about me , i see " i added .

" haha , i just knew that your dad is our head cheif and he kinda told me a little things about you " he said .

" oh speaking of my dad .... what did he told you about me ? " i asked .

" nothing much , but he really do seems mad when you're not at home and that's why i am here , i knew that you'll be walking into the woods anyways " he replied

I then nodded and walked there without any reply , was thinking on how suspiciously he knew that i would be in here . did dad tell him that i would do this ? or did he actually followed me ....

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