♤Chap 1♤

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Hey guys! This is a new story so please tell me what you think i am enjoying begining this Avery's story needs to be told  i hope you love him like i do BTW if you wanted to know WERECATS DONT EXSIST...or so they think no one has been found..till nowwwwwwwww mwahahaha well enjoy this and please guys IGNORE THE FLIPPING MISTAKES I will go through and fix things when im finished, if you notices a few that are REALLY BAD then tell me but please dont be assholes about it OH AND their might be derrogitory words i dont want to offend people but sence Avery is half black and gay he might get some special names yelled in his face im thinking of keeping it mild but im not sure im not trying to be a bitch and using horrible words about a ethnicity or anything. ok so if you see stuff and you really dont like it dont yell at me because its just how it is. im sorry in edvance i dont mean to be rude i honestly dont but some people really hate thoes words I DO TOO i promise ok im rambaling this is Avery's Story

Avery: Yeah my story great... *pout* i hope the people like me...

me: Avyyy they will love you like i do and this hasnt even started yet my baby!! *hug avery*

Avery: *hug back* ok lets start!! wee...

Have you ever hated your own home so much? because I have My name is Avery Samson I'm 16 years old sadly at first it wasn't so bad I mean yeah I am shorter then the other guys standing st only 5'3 compared to their 5'10 and bigger frames. But that wasn't to bad the worst of it happened when I turned 16 and didn't automatically shift into my wolf form...oh yeah BTW I'm a werewolf...if you didn't already guess when I said automatically shift in to my wolf form. All the boys make fun of me because I'm what you call a chelovek or human born. my father being the beta despised the idea his fourth oldest, a chelovek!!! well theirs nothing I can do other then accept the abuse.

I wake up early, hopping up I limp across the basement floor, to get my ratty clothing from the small cardboard box I use as a closet I guess. I tug on my faded blue jeans slightly to big with holes in the knees and ankles, a black shirt faded and also torn, stains littering the scrap of cotton. I grab my ratty sneakers that were once white now caked in dirt and other things, I comb my hair with my fingers my blue eyes bright against my Carmel skin. I honestly believe I could be beautiful if I had a better life then the unwanted omega.

"FAG BOY!!" my brother James shouts from the house.

"get your dark ass up here before I beat it!!" I never understood why my skin was so much darker to my brothers pale complexions. never the less I grudgingly go upstairs to do unlawful work for the assholes AKA my family, accepting kicks,slaps,lashes and much more. When I finish I hear the alphas come into the living room, I quickly freshen up and grab a pot of coffee and some mugs. when I get their coffee situated I glance over at the alphas oldest son Asher who is 18. When I accidentally peer into his green eyes, my whole world spins my inner beast that I never told anyone I could talk to shouts MATE!!!! I just Stand in stunned silence scared of Asher's reaction. He gets up slaps me and says

"you worthless omega I reject your retarded ass!!"

....that's when I black out


I wake up on the cold hard floor of my "bedroom" my father leaning against the wall a smirk on his face.

"well well well the little shits awake, I find it hilarious your mate rejects you, you are after all a Chelovek." he cackles and leaves. I can feel my rage flowing through my veins, I quickly pick up my school bag, toss everything but my notebooks and pens out and grab all my needed idems. Including 600$ in cash I've stolen slowly over the year. I wait 4 hours and when its finally 10 at night I use my best sneaking and slip through the house stealing some more money and enough food for the next day or so. Then I run from the building and twords the woods leaving this blasted pack forever!!


After walking 3 hours through the forest o finally reach the boarder, I've never crossed it before. but I know I need to get away, so I cross and not five minutes into the strange new territory before I hear the steel crushing voice of a wolf growling out

"Rogue, state your business in the bloodlust pack territory!!" I gulp and crane my neck up at the big man gulping.

"I..I'm Avery, m..my pack is the night wing p..pack, I ran away, I didn't mean to cause a ruckus." my whole body shakes under the big mans glare, he grunts and leads me to the alpha house to seal my fate.

When we arrive I notice the gorgeous field out front a rock platform thing out front looking like the rock thing from TheLionKing. I giggle at the reference and follow the giant into a well furnished living room, a 90" mounted on the wall above an Xbox,Wii,game boy,PlayStation and both a ps3 and 4 two floor to ceiling wide shelved filled with games and movies  soft black couches and love seats organized perfectly, and some bean bag chairs on the far wall probably for pups. two large doors and a hall way farthest from the front door. I guess the doors are the pack office and the hall leads to the rest of the house. The big man makes me wait as he goes to tell his alpha, I look around taking in the sightings of the whole first floor.

"Rogue Alpha Dimitri will see you know" the big man grunted to me. I just nodded and followed him into a fairly large office.

"Hello rogue I'm Alpha Dimitri, and this is the blood lust pack what is your name and what is your business here." he looks at me with smoldering silver eyes.

"m..my Name is Avery I'm a wolf of the night wing pack. I ran away from home after my family got worse with my beatings and....my mate rejected me" a lone tear falls freely from my eye. He looks down at me and just Nods, thinking I shift my weight nervously wringing my hands. I gulp and he smiles softly and says

“would you like, to join our pack?” I nod eagerly and freeze.

“Wait Alpha Dimitri...the reason they kicked me out, is because I'm a chelovek...” I wait for him to scream at me that i'm an abomination and send me away, or worse...exicute me. I feel a warm hand touch my small shoulder and a soothing voice tell me,

“Avery I don't care that your a chelovek, you will be brought into this pack with open arms. Now I assume you are freezing cold and filthy, my beta Alex will lead you to a room for guests you can shower and I will find a pack member with your body type. OK?” I nod and follow monster man...er Alex into a nice little room with a small en suit bathroom, I strip of my ratty clothing and scrub my body till its got a red tint and I smell like vanilla. I smile and brush my teeth and make sure no bruises are showing. A knock at the door tells me that they found clothing and its outside I quickley slip on some dark blue skinnie jeans, a black shirt and some silver convers. I smile at my apearince and head to the office to go tell the Alpha I finished what I was to do. I knock on the large doors and I hear him grunt a quick enter, so I do and cough slightly to get his attention; he lookes up from his papers and a warm smile crosses his hard but handsome features.

“you look nice Avery, would you like to go meet the pack now?” he asks tenderly, I nod exited and follow him from the room to the front door, across the big beautful field outfront slightly surrounded with small cabins and more behind making it look like a tiny tiny neighborhood. We slip into a building across the way, it lookes like a meeting hall and it is. A small stage is on one side steps on the edge and a podeum in the middle. 3 chairs at the very back of the stage, the stage itself was facing a room quite large with over a thosand movie like chairs to make the pack comfertable if its a long meeting. As we make it up the steps to the platform stage the place starts being flooded with the members of the bloodlust pack. I sit quietly on one of the chairs as Alpha Dimitri stands at the podeum waiting for his beloved pack to be seated, once everyone is ready he calls attention to the front.

“Friends, my family. I summoned you hear because we found a rogue, his name is Avery he was beaten abused and tormented in his previous pack...and rejected by his mate. All because he is a chelovek” his words are cut off by voices, he hears snips of things like how could a pack mistreat him so badly and poor guy his mate rejecting him I wanna bitch slap the bitch he only heard one I see why his pack was abusive hes a freak to the wolf race! But that person was slapped for the comment and that was the only incident we hear from his pack about me. He calles attention again and asks for a vote in letting me join they all raise their hands exept the one bitch. But the mejority rules and he is finally wanted in a pack!!

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