♤Chap 5♤

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Avery's POV

Avery looking sexyyyy

Its been two days sence my first shift and I havn't even attempted to try again. Teddy hasn't come to see me but i'm not to shocked I mean, who would want a freak for a friend. I grab my guitar and start playing Capri by Colbie Caillat, I sing the lyrics softly thinking of how it could have been. My mate and I on a hilltop house in the yard playing with a small child, preferably a daughter that I would name Capri because I think its beautiful. I don't notice when my door is opened or when my alpha is standing their listening to me play, now on coldplays princess of china.

“You let me go could have been a princess you could have been a king, could have had a castle, could have worn a ring.” I get interupted with a cough, I stop playing and turn to see Alpha Dimitri standing there, watching me. I bow my head in repect and get up to talk to him,

“Avery you ran the other day from Alpha Max and Alpha-Son Asher...why?” I look down and sigh weakly

“I apologise for my behavior alpha but my reason behind all of it is, Alpha-son Asher is my mate...the one who rejected me.” I train my eyes on my feet the only sound in the room beside my pounding heart is the sudden intake of breath from the alpha.

“He is the man who rejected you?”

“yes alpha”

“well I am so sorry I brought him here”

“its ok alpha”

“NO ITS NOT” I shy back at his sudden outberst

“I'm sorry Avery I just hate that someone could have been rejected by him an alpha knows better!!” he yells. I just nod and think maybe its time I inform him of my shift.

Yes boy, you need to tell him about us my cat informs me and I agree

“Alpha Dimitri...can you meet me by the waterfal in the woods west of Redstone hill?” I ask softly

he nods and says he will be there soon I run and text Teddy of where im going and what I am doing. He meets me there and hugs me tight saying

“Are you sure you want to tell the alpha of your animal?” I just nod and strip he takes my clothing, I shift slowly into my cat and shake out my spoted coat and practice walking,running and cherping. I also climb a tree to test if I can and im proud to say I can climb a tree. When I hear the rustle under me I pear down with my golden red eyes to see Dimitri in his huge white wolf under my tree. Teddy tells me the alpha asked for me and I nod and shift climbing down as my human.

“Alpha Dimitri!!” he turns at my voice and I run naked to him and his wolf looks confused.

“sorry for my nudity...i just shifted so no clothing you undertsand this...”

he shifts to his human, I cover my eyes and he grabs clothes from the bag he carried and gets dressed.

“son if what your saying is true that you shifted, you need to shift for me right now” I nod and nervously walk to the pool a rustle beside me makes me feel Teddy's wolf standing off to the side ready to help protect me. I gulp and shift into my farly large cheetah form. I hear his gasp and I turn my golden red eyes onto our alpha. He walks to be and slowly touches my fur I tense up, but relax when I feel his fingers glide through the fir in a petting motion. I purr loudly and arch my back into it like any cat would. He chuckles and says

“wow your cat he is beautiful, and so rare I mean so so so rare the first werecat.” I nod my big cats head and he shifts to his wolf and his big alpha body and mine match in muscle and size my hight bigger then his but not tremendously.

His long pink tongue slides across my shoulder in a friendly stroke of affection, I shiver and start walking. Both him and Teddy at my tail we deside to race and I think I might win but knowing cheetahs burn out easy im not 100% confident ill win in a long term race.

“READY SET GO!!!!!” Teddy hollers through the mind link and I sprint at my top speed leaving them in the dust and I listen to my breathing. I notice I should have burnt out by now but I don't so I keep running, Its not till I get all the wa home do I notice im barly winded. I climb up the rock thing and lay in the sun breathing deep, not 10 minuets later the boys come back stairing at me with jaws open.

“YOU GUYS WILL CATCH FLIESSS!!!” I shout throught the link and they stutter a response of “HOLY FUCK” I giggle and we all go inside for lunch, I smile finaly happy with my pack finaly happy with my self. And I know for sure as hell im so proud of my cat.

Avery: woo that was so much fun man!

Teddy: flipping show off

Avery: how am i a show off you are being a sore looser

Teddy: you can reach 80 MPH i reach like 30 as a wolf  you tease because you are a big cat

Avery: well no shit sherlock

me: boys go lick Ian solmehalder and shut up

both: DEAL *run off to go lick ian*

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