Chapter 1

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Its 3am. Its too early to be getting a phone call.

I slowly get up and open my eyes just enough to pick up the phone.


"Is this Mr. Horan?"


"I'm going to have to ask you to come down to the police station Mr. Horan."


I hung up the phone. I was too tired to ask why I was called down to the police station.

I put on a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and a jacket. I grab my phone and leave.

It takes a while to get to the police station. Im more awake now that I'm up and moving. Once I get there I told the man at the front who I was and asked where I was suppose to go.

He pointed me in the direction I was supposed to go. As I was walking back, I saw a girl with a baby in her arms talking to a police officer.

I walk up to the officer.

"Is this where I'm supposed to go?"

"Are you Mr. Horan?"


"Then your in the right place. I'm the police officer that called you."

"Yeah. Why did you call me? Whats going on?"

"Well Mr. Horan, I'll let Ms. Shelby explain everything to you. I have to go do some paperwork..."

The officer left and I turned to look at the girl with the baby. Her eyes were red and watery and her cheeks were puffy.

"Niall, I'm Shelby. Do you remember Jannet?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Jannet was a girl I dated for a while about a year an a half ago. She was tall, blonde, and had green eyes. She was real smart too. She was quite the catch.

Anyway, we dated for a couple months and then she broke up with me. She had school and I had tour, thats one reason. Another reason might be because she caught me in bed with another girl.... I was drunk that night and made a terrible mistake. I dont know what I was thinking.

After that she told me she never wanted to see me again....

"Well, um uh... She... is um... Dead..."

"What? How?"

"She got in a head on collision and she died instantly. Luckily Coree was at the baby sitters..."

"But couldn't you brake the news to me over the phone or over lunch or something? Why did you call me down at 3 in the morning?"

"Because Niall, this is your daughter..."

What. Did. I. Do.

"You have to take her. I don't have the money to care for her...."

How can she be my daughter? Jannet and I didnt even- Oh wait we did. I couldn't deny it anyway. She looked like me. She had my eyes.

"I can't take her. I have tour and I'm not good with kids."

Thats true. The only kid I'm good with is Theo and Lux sometimes... Other than that I can't even look at a kid without them crying.

"Niall, your her father! You have the money to give her a nice life that she deserves. I work a part time job and have to find somewhere cheaper to live. I can't care for her!"

There was a pause. I'm in shock.

"Here's her carseat, blanket, bottle, and binkey."

I take the stuff. I'm still in shock. Shelby and I walk to my car. She helps me put in the carseat and teaches me how to hook Coree in it.

"Call or text me if you need anything or something goes wrong."

We exchanged numbers and she left. I got in my car and sat there for a while still in shock. Coree was asleep. She looked cute when she slept.

About ten minutes later I was home. WE were home.

I sat in the car for a while thinking about what the boys are going to say and what the fans are going to say....

I manage to get Coree out of her carseat. She is still sound asleep. I grab her blanket, bottle, and binkey and go up to my flat.

I share a flat with Liam. Harry, Zayn, and Louis share another. When i opened the door Liam was sitting on the couch. When he saw me walk through the door he quickly stood up.

"Niall! Where the hell have you been? Is that a-"

"Yeah.... Do you remember Jannet? The one I dated..."


"Well she died in a car crash.... And this was her baby..."

"You mean your the father?"

"Yeah. I don't know what to do, Liam."

"We'll help you don't worry mate. Whats her name?"


We made a little spot on the couch for her to sleep. She's a heavy sleeper.

It was now 5am. All I wanted was sleep. I sat down on the couch next to Coree. A few minutes later I was alseep.

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