Chapter 2

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I wake up 3 hours later to Coree crying. She is screaming. I don't know how to handle this.

I pick her up and start gently rocking her saying "shhh." Liam came out.

"Liam I don't know what to do. Help me."

Liam took her from me.

"Maybe she's hungry."


I headed to the kitchen. What does a one year old eat? I don't know baby stuff.

As I'm rummaging through the cupboards, Louis, Zayn, and Harry come in.

"What is this? When did we get a baby?"

"Its Nialls."

Liam explains everything to them.

"Guys, what does a one year old eat?"

"Do you have cheerios?"

"Good idea, Zayn."

I make a small bowl of cheerios and attempt to feed it to Coree.

"Here comes the choo choo train."

When the spoon hits her mouth she instantly stops crying. I guess she was hungry.

"Hey, Liam. Can you, Harry, and Zayn watch Coree while Louis and I go shopping for clothes diapers and everything else she needs?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Wait why do I have to go baby shopping?"

"Louis, quit whining and come on."

I drag Louis out the door.

"Can you guys clean out that spare room please?"


"Thanks. Bye guys!"


*Zayn's P.O.V*

I'm watching Coree while Liam and Harry are cleaning out the spare room. I put on Spongebob for her so she's pretty occupied.

Since she is hypnotized by the T.V., i get up to get a soda.

While I'm shuffling through the items in the fidge, I hear Coree crying. Not even grabbing something to drink, I run back to the living room to find her on the floor. Liam and Harry come running in to.

I rush over to her and pick her up. I examine her for scratches, bruises, and broken bones. I don't think she'll have a broken bone, she just fell 3 feet off the couch, if that, but I gotta be cautious. She seems okay.

"What happened?"

"I don't know I went to get a soda and I heard her crying, so I ran back here to see what was wrong."

"She probably just fell off the couch."

"Why would you leave the baby alone anyway, Zayn?"

"She was in a trance watching Spongebob. Liam, I didn't think anything would happen."

"Liam, babies fall all the time. Its okay."

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I texted Shelby and asked her what all babies need. She sent me a list of everything. She said that she was teething so I need to get teething rings, whatever those are. She also sent me a list of things that Coree likes and dislikes. She said that she is allergic to any kind of nut, so she cant have peanut butter, anything fried with peanut oil, or anything with nuts in it whatsoever.

Louis was picking out clothes and shoes for Coree and I was trying to find a crib. When I finally found one I went to find Louis who had half a cart of clothes.

"Louis, I think we're good on clothes."

I put the crib in the cart. Louis helps me find food for her, like mashed potatoes and applesauce. By then our cart was full. I had to go get a new one.

We filled that cart up with a changing table, diapers, baby wipes, baby shampoo, little towels, and toys. We managed to squeeze a stroller, baby carrier, a diaper bag, a toy box, and some apple juice.

We checked out and loaded everything up. That took a while. The car was full.

The thing I'm most surprised about is that no fans have noticed us yet. Thank goodness.

It takes a while to get home but when O pull up I call Liam and tell him to get Harry or Zayn and come down and help us carry stuff inside.

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