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Hey! Alright, I'm super excited for this story!! Like, I've been excited about this since the beginning, but now I'm MEGA EXCITED!! *battle cries throughout house* I just feel like this story is really coming along well!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I still don't own the always amazing Fairy Tail. Bummer. But! I do own Juniper, Sparrow (if you don't remember him, he's the dragon that raised Juniper), and other OCs that will be introduced in the (hopefully) near future.

Aaaaaannnd there ARE spoilers from the anime. Remember that.

Okay, so it seems that I've covered everything! Onward to the next chapter!


Erza's POV

I smiled as Juniper walked out the guild. She was finally back. After all of the searching and pain and ruin, she finally came back.

But there still was the roaming mystery of her kidnapper. Whoever that person is, they are going to pay for making an enemy out of Fairy Tail. I clenched my fists and frowned. They're going to pay for taking Juniper's memory away from her.

"Hey, Erza!" Natsu called out to me from behind, "Did ya invite her?"

I nodded, "Yes, she's going home to pack right now."

Natsu eyed me, "You did tell her the directions to the apartment, right?"

My eyes grew wide as I froze. Oh, crap. Juniper already left. What are we going to do?

"Good job, flame brain," Gray smacked the side of Natsu's head, "Two points for you."

Natsu scowled at him, "Hey! I was the one who remembered, ice princess!"

"It's still your fault!"

"How the hell is it my fault?!"

They both started to fight in the middle of the guild. Tables smashed in two and pillars caught on fire. The floor freezed over as those idiots continued to brawl.

These two are annoying.

"Will you both just SHUT UP?!" I roared, "We need to find Juniper!"

Natsu punched Gray in the face one last time before they ceased fighting.

I rolled my eyes, "Idiots."


Juniper's POV

"Shit," I swore.

I ran my fingers through my soft hair and groaned. Where the hell am I supposed to go? I was randomly walking all around town. No clues were given to me about my house or if I even have one.

Stupid! I should've asked Erza!

My lavender eyes scanned the area around me. There was no sign of anyone knowing me or where I lived. I sat down at an empty bench and watched the people around me.

There was a bakery close by and I could smell their fresh baked bread. My stomach yearned for the pastries, but I didn't have any money. I cursed under my breath.

"Well it sure has been a while, Juniper."

I peered up.

A man with spiky orange hair and glasses stood in from of me. He wore a suit and a big smile. His blue eyes gazed down at my face.

"And you are..." I remarked.

The man's emotions shifted to sadness and guilt. He took off his glasses and started to clean then with a gray cloth.

Fairy Tail Fanfic: Juniper's PastDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora