The Plan

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Wow, guys! More than 150 views! You spoil me. I'm glad you're all liking my story!! Now that we're in the Tower of Heaven arc, all I'm doing everyday is writing! To be honest, this was one of my favorite arcs behind the Edolas arc, so that's why I started with it.

Oookay, so there are still spoilers. Watch out if you haven't gotten this far in the anime.

Disclaimer: I still do NOT own Fairy Tail. *snaps finger* Aw shucks. But, I do own mah OCs like Juniper and Sparrow and others that will be introduced some other time. Yisss..

Alrighty, you guys ready for the next chapter? I'm sorry I kept you waiting, but after this chapter, I'm going to make a long one. I hope that makes up for it. Thank you for your patience!


Erza's POV


I groaned from drowsiness.


My blue eyes flickered open. It was Shô, wearing a smirk on his face. I felt my surroundings sway, like we were on a boat. My hands were tied behind my back and I was unable to use my magic no matter how hard I tried.

"About time you woke up," he sighed. His voice sounded rough, like he's been through bad times. I mentally smacked myself. Of course he's been through harsh times. The only place Shô's ever called home is the Tower.

I shuddered. We were going back to the Tower of Heaven. That disgusting place. I never wanted to see it again.

"Jellal's been waiting for you," Shô interrupted my thoughts.

I gasped, "What do you mean?"

He snapped his head towards me and I flinched.

"You know exactly what I mean," Shô whispered. His face contorted into hatred.

I was silent.

"What?!" he shouted, "You don't remember, Erza Scarlet?! You don't remember the way you abandoned us at the Tower?! We were all going to escape together!"

My eyes looked down at my lap and I bit my lower lip.

"Why?! Why did you blow up the boats?! Tell me!" Shô's voice cracked like he was going to cry.

"I had no choice," I uttered.

I waited for a reply, but all I could hear was the waves crashing onto the boat. When I looked up, Shô was facing away from me, silently crying.

"What are you talking about?" he said between tears, "What do you mean 'you had no choice'?"

"I'm sorry, Shô," I murmured, "I'm sorry."


Juniper's POV

My hands shook in frustration as I dropped to the sandy floor. We lost Erza. She was so nice to me. And now she's gone. Who were those people? Why did they take her?

"Dammit!" Natsu aggressively kicked the sand. His whole body was covered in flames.

Gray walked towards us, his emotions going haywire. His fists clenched at his sides.

"We have to get her back," he said with a voice full of malice, "It's what she'd do for us."

I stood up, "But, where did they take her? What's the Tower of Heaven?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Happy moped next to me.

"Maybe if we talked to Levy, she would know something about it?" I suggested.

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