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I don't want to be touched by a stranger
His alien hands roaming all over me
I don't want to be the girl who wakes up screaming
Because her dreams are as terrifying as her reality
Her dreams as vicious as this world
I don't want his voice to be the only sound I hear
The ringing in her ears not deafening enough
Her screams never loud enough
He doesn't stop
He doesn't stop
Even when she tells him to
Even when she tells him no
Please stop
Just stop
Why isn't he listening?
She can't scream anymore
Her throat aches like the rest of her body
His hands no longer roaming her
Her clothes no longer on her skin
She can no longer feel the ache
The only thing she can feel
Is the sickening tingle his hands left
The only thing she can feel
Is her tears
A stream of pain gliding down her cheeks
She cries with no sound
She makes no sound
Until I wakes up screaming

-I am the girl who I was terrified of becoming

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