Part Eight: Double Team

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"This is outrageous!" Melissa hollered at the men before her as she and the others sat impatiently expecting an explanation that did more for them than just give a simple notice of new management. Two agents had taken the group from the hall into the conference room where their team was setting up and were joined by the other four.

The taller, white agent in the black suite with the white shirt and black tie just smiled at his African-American partner who said, "Ma'am, please sit down. We simply brought you in here to get an update on what you've got and to ask you not to interfere unless you want to be arrested."

Valgora then spoke up, "This is insane. You feds let this guy get into one of your bases, poison two girls, killing one and putting the other into an increasingly critical condition. All you care about is covering your asses so you're not liable for the damages your illegal toxins caused. You'll never solve this case because you don't care!"

"Please sir," Raymond asked in a bellowing bass tone, "Don't force my hand. Right now we just want you all to stay at the precinct and work this from behind the desks. If we have to, we will blind you all and keep you all as far away from this as we can. Now, Detective Ryan, please give me the rundown on what's happened so far. Leads, the Loyelle incident, the initial crime scene footage and perhaps you could find it in your heart to tell me where your acting Captain is."

After running through the sum up of the last couple of days, recapping everything that had gone on in his own way, he finished by saying, "And as far as where Beckett is, she fell and hit her head. She couldn't walk so we forced her to go to the hospital. She has a concussion and is being tested for possible internal injuries."

The men's faces scrunched up and Agent Benjamin Nicolas asked, "That seems pretty serious for just a fall."

Kaylin then explained, "She pulled a chair down with her and the side of it cut into her skull. I'm not really sure why the fall was as bad as it was or why she passed out for that matter, but she could neither walk nor read a sign six feet in front of her. Actually, she couldn't even stand up without feeling pain shoot through her head. She was in pretty bad shape."

"So that's where the fiancé is as well?" Agent Nicolas asked sarcastically. No one had time to answer (thank goodness) before he moved on. "So where's the girl whose infected?"

Carpenter informed them, "She's in the conference room. I don't know if she's sleeping, but she's really weak and hasn't really talked to anyone but Beckett and Castle. I got the feeling they knew her before all of this happened. Not that I'd be surprised since the writer is friends with everyone who's even slightly important in this town."

"But your D.A, the child's father is on the suspect list?" Raymond asked.

Javier explained, "He's only on the list because he had access to the school and Maddie seems to like being away from him more than she likes being around him."

"There could be a reason for that," Melissa offered up. "I don't know how long ago this was, but Kate told me he once came home drunk and thought Maddie was her mother. Maddie had to knock him out to get him to stop trying to seduce her forcefully."

"So he has a history of sexual abuse. Why haven't you brought him in yet?" Raymond once again spoke.

"I just learned about that on the car ride to drop Kate off at the hospital. It hasn't even been twenty minutes since I've been back and I thought going through with Mrs. Loyelle's interrogation might be a little bit more important."

The two men then spoke between themselves, turning sideways to cut the others out of the side track. Nicolas told his partner, "Why don't you give McCord and see if she wouldn't want to bring the D.A. in on her way here."

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