Part Twelve: My Story

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A.N: This is Addie's POV just to describe her story during her kidnapping point. I didn't think it was honest to victims that they would go into a lot of detail, but a lot of valuable information about the unsubs are hidden within the tales of their victims and I didn't think vague descriptions would give you all the idea of what these girls went through in my mind. I know, however, that some of you won't really want to read those kinds of descriptions, so if you flip forward to the next set of these: ☆●☆●☆●☆●☆ you will find a short, vague description and it will tell you everything you need to know. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Maddie was trembling from the moment they'd brought her in to see me and she'd woken up. Her skin had tightened around her bones even more so now than it had when she was with me those few days back. She looked like she was seriously ill. It looked to me and the other two like Maddie could be dying. But she had just enough strength to hold herself up and the writer had hung an IV bag from the pole that was already in here. She looked so frail that a simple tap could shatter one of her bones. Her entire body was covered in bruises that I'd seen but never catalogued before. It was sickening to me just to see her this way.

When she'd fully woken up, she had pulled me into a hug, but it seemed as though her tightest squeeze was half of the wimpiest hug she ever gave. For once in our lives, I was probably physically stronger than her. My arms noticed how thin she was, but I didn't say a word. I'd told her to eat when we were given the chance. I gave her every ounce of food we had, but she and the other girl were too anxious and frightened to even look at the food. I barely touched it myself, but when they wouldn't eat, I did my best to swallow down some nutrients.

Everyone in the room knew what this was going to be about. The only question left hanging in the air was which of us the couple would call on first. For some reason, it was Maddie.

She was frightened beyond all senses, however. Even in this room with the man she'd told me that she thought of as a second father and the woman who clearly cared for her as much as Rick did, she was petrified. Whenever she was scared and we were together, she did exactly as she did now and clung to my side. I'd gotten the feeling that Maddie thought of me as the only person who would protect her over the years. Even though ninety-eight percent of the time we were friends on the same level without any discrepancies, it seemed like there was a two percent time card that made me Maddie's older sister and defender. This was a role I played all my life and gladly accepted for her.

In order to do my job now, I began to speak before she did. "It was late." They both looked at me strangely, but seemed to understand exactly what I was doing. "Last Thursday I was at school late waiting for Andy to be down with football practice. Usually when I had to wait for him, I watched from the bleachers or made arrangements to tutor someone in something, but this time I didn't. Instead I went out front with a couple of my friends, James and Clare. Neither were really my best friends, but they were both nice people in N.H.S and they accepted me well enough, so I thought I'd talk to them for a little while. After a while they left, but I felt like staying out front on the steps with my laptop and books. Andrew messaged me after practice and asked me where I was at. I messaged him back and packed up my things, waiting for him to show, but he never did. Instead, some guy in a black skin suite jumped out of a black car and put a cloth with chloroform over my face."

"How did you know it was chloroform?" the writer asked.

I replied, "By the sweet taste and smell. Also, the burns that later appeared around my lips and nose that quickly vanished were a good indicator."

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