Part Ten: Second Victim

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"Yo, Beckett," Ryan said from the other end of the phone call. "Hey listen. We looked into another girl and we think we might have found one that fits."

Kate then commented, "Ryan, even if you tell me her name, I'm not going to know her, so what is the point of this phone call? None of us can help." She wanted to, but she would much rather be in the room with Maddie. However, in her condition they'd asked that she stay out as some of the chemicals they were working with were extremely dangerous and if inhaled could cause her already weakened heart to completely stop. She wasn't really mad at Ryan as her tone would suggest. She was more frustrated with how all of this was going down.

He set it aside and rebutted, "But you do know her. Addison Lawson, Judge Lawson's successful and extremely bright young daughter who will probably become the only lawyer who understands the cops she's working with."

"That girl that came to interview us? Explain to me how she fits the profile," Beckett asked, much more politely this time.

Burns replied, "Addie is top of the Freshman class. Freshmen in college that is. After last year's test results, Addison scored in the ninety-ninth percentile in everything on a class meant for the school's Seniors, scoring better than everyone. She was a Sophomore and is now a Junior, not only top of her class, but from a rough background. Neither of her parents are ever around much, leaving her and her brother, who is about a year younger than her, alone, raising their younger siblings and their niece together. Her oldest sister and the mother of said niece, is a druggie and reveler with a long history of being caught in possession and carrying a small caliber hand gun. Addison studied hard to stay in a very prestigious school with her brother, but he seems to have gotten in on athletic merit. The oldest is in public school per her request."

"That was-," Beckett didn't know how to say over-done without being rude. "Very informative, Melissa. So I'm assuming you've made the ID through the bracelet."

"Yep," Harris said, with a seemingly cheerful agreeing voice.

Carpenter then suggested, "Should we question the brother to see who might have lured her out of the school? I mean, if that's how this guy got ahold of both Maddie and Jessie, odds are it's how he got ahold of Addison."

Beckett instructed, "Check her phone records too. And a school like that doesn't survive without security cameras, so check those as well. And see if our judge and our D.A have worked any big cases that might match one of the other two theories, alright?"

"Yes ma'am," Valgora said, taking Burns and Carpenter with him to do as she'd asked.

Beckett then continued with her suggestions that seemed more like demands, "I'd also take a look at the girls specifically. They both had high I.Q.s, they came from rich backgrounds and their home life sucks. This guy seems to have a disdain for these girls and if we're the people he's sympathizing with, they might represent a young wife who perhaps had an abortion or an alcohol, drugs or another kind of miscarriage that he again blamed on her. And Ryan."

"Yeah Beckett?"

"Be careful. Don't step outside of his expectations. If you turn on him, he might turn on you," Kate warned. It was the majority of the reason she was glad to be out of the office. With the way she was, it was very possible she could do something outside of character. If she did, it could mean a lot of things, but it could very well mean the end for her.

Murphy then slyly commented, "Well look at you being all FBI profiler on us. No wonder they wanted you down in D.C. It's like you know who this is already." The conversation she'd had with the paranoid man still rung deeply in her mind and the story around the injured Detective Katherine Beckett who was now in danger of losing her life once again because of an old battle scar from her years as a cop started to mold shape. It was extremely bothersome to Murphy that she was so on top of things and that this whole case seemed to somehow revolve around her intel. Even Lucas was buying into it so much that he merrily accepted every word she said as an absolute fact. It was sickening and suspicious.

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