Chapter One: New Student

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Ally's POV

You know when you wake up from a nightmare and you realize you're late and start freaking out while getting dressed crazy fast. Yeah, that's me right now.

I woke up with a start. I had a nightmare about getting dunked over and over into a pool of worms and cockroaches. I know disgusting right.

I quickly wore my trousers and a red top that said mentally exhausted but failed to see the banana peel on the floor and slipped.

''Why the split is there a banana peel on the floor?" I wondered.
Hahaha! Get it, split. Anyway my head was pounding and I felt dizzy.

As if that wasn't punishment enough while brushing my teeth somehow toothpaste got into my eyes and I was temporarily blinded and fell. Again, bruising my butt.

"What a great way to start the day" I muttered.

I quickly ran down stairs ,greeted my parents and kissed my baby brother's cheek whiles thanking Nina, our maid, for the apple and granola bar for breakfast. I grabbed my bag and drove off.

Your first day of school is suppose to be memorable.
Well mine sure was and it started out like this.

"Miss Jefferson would you like to explain-" it's like the heavens were listening to my desperate cry of help.

Mr. Collins was cut off by the sound of the door opening. A dark skinned boy with raven hair and dark brown eyes walked in shyly.

"Hi, I'm the new student" he murmured shyly to Mr. Collins.

"Ah yes! Mr. Adjei, please introduce yourself to the class"

"Uhh.... My name is Kojo Adjei. I come from Africa and no we don't live in trees and I love soccer"

"Thank now kindly sit beside Miss Jefferson"

"Oh and Miss Jefferson your his guide"


"No buts"

Well there goes my afternoon.

"Miss Jefferson please raise your hand"

And I did. He walked over to me in slow motion like those cliché boys do in boo- Oh wait, nevermind. There in the middle of the class was Kojo, having a heated make-out session with the floor and he sure was hating it.

His face was literally squished into the floor. Some laughed and other didn't.After a few seconds, I felt guilt slowly seeping in and I felt bad. I decided to lend him an arm because I felt bad.

With my arm stretched out to him, I said

"Need a hand"

"Thanks" he said gratefully using my arm to pull himself up. I watched as he dusted himself but quickly averted my eyes when his gaze met mine.

Mr. Collins quickly settled the class down and told us to take our seats.

When we walked to our seats well... mainly directed him to our seats and decided to introduce myself.

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