Facing Him

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I hate Mondays. You want to know why because it means sitting by Kojo in English and I don't want to deal with him this early in the morning.

I was at my locker looking for my stupid English book which suddenly became invisible, when my locker slammed shut.

"Your telling me at lunch" Ashley simply said and walked away. The warning bell rang which brought me out of my haze.

"Right, English" I muttered quietly to myself and walked to class.

As usual English was boring and Mr. Collin kept talking about a test.

"There's a test on Wednesday on grammar so study" he said and walked out when the bell rang. Immediately, students started filing out of the classroom.

On my way to my locker, I was stopped by a hand.

"Hey", The person I dreaded seeing the most today said facing me.  Oh brother.

"Hi" I said boredly.

"Look I didn't mean to offend you or anything" He said quietly.

"I know but I just need some space" I said back and walked to Home Economics.

After Home Economics I walked to the lunch room. I pushed the doubled door open and immediately went to the lunch line because..... why not.

"Can I have an apple, cheese burger and a sprite. Please" I said to the lunch lady but she grunted in response. Eh.

I walked to my familiar table and greeted everyone.

"Hi guys" I said and there was a chorus of responses later. I was about to dig in when Ashley and Sam stopped me.

"Spill " they both said in unison.

"Fine" I said tiredly.

So I filled them in with all the drama even though they were there they must have been pretty drunk not to remember.

"My poor baby" Sam said whiles hugging me.

"You know what, we're having a Girls Night" Ashley said as a matter of fact.

"I could use one" I said.

"Exactly" Ashley said.

So Ashley filled me with all the details about the night and that were having it at Sam's house apparently it's huge.

"Bye girls! Don't forget 5:00pm it's about to go down" Ashley said excitedly.

"Bye" Sam and I said.


I had a free period so I decide to head to the library. I was in the Teen fiction section looking for a particular book, Dahlia's diary, when I bumped into someone causing us to crash down.

"I'm so sor-" my voice hitched the moment they connected to a pair of familiar eyes.

"Hi ankaa" Kojo said nervously.

I picked up the fallen books without a word and walked away not sparing a glance back at him.

"Ally did you at least read my text" Kojo said quietly. And that made me halt in my steps.

"What? The text that said I'm sorry or the one that said hi or-" I was cut off by our sudden closeness.

"Ally, I would never intentionally hurt you, you know that" he said whiles stroking my cheek softly and looking me right in the eyes.

"Just read the text, please for me" he said softly clenching both of my hands with a look of desperation.

"I owe you nothing, Kojo" I quietly seethed and ripped my hands from his hold.

"You should know better than to come and apologize because you made your point very clear" my voice cracking at the end.

'Serves him right ' My conscience added.

'Shut up' I snapped.

"Please forgive me" he said with regret in his eyes.

"Look, I need a little space away from you to heal" I said quietly.

"Okay" he said calmly.

"Look I -"

"Did you just say, Okay" I said in a confused tone.

"Yes, I'll give you as much time as you need" he said with a bit of a smile.

"Mm thanks" I said shyly.

"Okay so..... Bye ankaa" he said.


Then next thing I knew a pair of lips connected to my cheek. They lingered a bit more then expected but he finally moved and with that he left with a wink.

'That little-' I began

'Hot looking Oreo" my subconscious finished.

I blushed thinking of how nasty my subconscious was.

'Bad subconscious' I mentally scolded.

'That's right and you know it' it said proudly.

I just shook my head and walked out of the library completely forget about the book.

"Oh my, I really need this girls night" I said before hopping into my car and driving off.

Authors Note
Well that was hectic and I can't wait for the girls night so get your popcorn ready cause it's gonna be a dozy. XOXO

Toodolo explorers,




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