I'm No Damsel

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"Catch!" a large, slightly yellowed bone flies through the air, followed by a bright red, winged creature. Its huge, scaly body narrows into a long, thin neck which supports a massive head with a slender snout. Dozens of sharp teeth protrude from its mouth, along with a long, pink tongue, which lolls to one side. Its wide, light blue eyes appear almost childish, betraying the overall terrifying look of the huge, almost 2 story tall dragon.

With one final, strong flap of its humongous wings, it lurches forwards, and catches the bone in its large jaw with a loud snap, just before it reaches the ground.

"Nice one, Red!" a thin, pale boy shouts while the dragon, Red, lands. Its huge feet with razor-like talons digs into the ground under all of the dragon's weight.

As Red goes to return the bone to Keith, the boy, so that he might throw it again for Red to retrieve, her warm breath ruffles Keith's long, black hair. Smiling, Keith brushes a lock of hair of his brow with a gloved hand.

"Again? But we've been doing this all afternoon," Keith says, still wearing a small smile.

Red crouches, ready to leap up as soon as Keith throws the bone, if he throws the bone. An expectant look in her pale blue eyes. Red's tail twitches. Keith raises his arm, yellowed bone in hand. Just as Keith is about to fling the bone into the air, a noise in the distance catches Red's attention. Whipping her head around, Red backs into Keith protectively.

"What was that?" Keith asks, more curious than scared.

The noise grows until it is right on the other side of the vast wall that surrounds the run-down castle that the boy and the dragon call home.

Keith and Red are the only inhabitants in the long-deserted castle. Some of the stone buildings and towers are half destroyed from age, but the tallest tower remains in nearly perfect condition. So of course that is where Keith's room is. Plus, the view is amazing from the highest room.He doesn't mind the stairs, it gives him something to do besides sitting around all day.

It would be incredibly lonely in a deserted castle if it were not for Red. Red was originally supposed to keep Keith safe, or trapped in the castle, one or the other. But after some time, Keith had befriended Red.

Keith has never really tried to escape; he has nowhere to go, but that doesn't stop him from imagining what may be out there. Keith has lived in the castle for as long as he can remember. He doesn't remember his parents, or anyone, for that matter. Only Red.

The noise Keith now recognizes as footsteps, or more specifically, horse hooves, ceases. The sound of feet hitting the ground follows.

Red begins pushing Keith towards his tower with her strong tail.

"No," Keith whispers, so that the intruder doesn't hear, "I want to help fight!" As Red proceeds pushing Keith towards the entry to his tower, he continues, "I've been training, I have my sword." Keith reaches for the sword strapped to his side. "I can defend myself!"

Red, unconvinced, snorts in Keith's ear.

"Give me a chance!" Keith half whispers, half shouts.

Red gives her head a little shake and finishes shoving Keith through the door to his tower.

"Fine. But next time, I will help fight," Keith says grumpily before he rushes up the stairs. 

By the time Kieth gets to his room, the room at the top of the tower, the intruder has successfully made it to the top of the wall that circles the perimeter of the castle.

Even from this distance, Keith can see the moment the intruder notices Red. Armour flashing in the afternoon sun, he pulls out a crossbow and begins to aim the arrow straight for Red. Red rears, preparing to burn the intruder with her fiery breath, but she's too late. The intruder fires first.

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