Chapter Four~"I've Never Forgotten You."

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Three weeks had past had past and after my brother's outstanding efforts, Ryan's agents had agreed to let him star in a music video, and today was the day. I scanned through my wardrobe, desperate for something beautiful to wear. "Need any help?" I heard Grace call from the door. I nodded. She walked in and scanned through my wardrobe until finding something. "I think this dress with a denim jacket and white pumps would be perfect Mum." She suggested. She had picked out a dress with white at the top and a pink lacy skirt at the bottom. I agreed and got changed before loosely curling my hair and having breakfast. "I better get going, I'll see you later sweetheart." I said to Grace who was now watching Drake&Josh reruns on Netflix. "Good luck." She smiled. I kissed her forehead and left the house.

As soon as I arrived at the venue a wave of nerves hit me. What if he didn't remember me? What if he didn't want Grace? That would be the worst thing in the world. "Em! In here sis!" Adam yelled from in front of me in a little side door. I ran towards him and followed him inside and into a small room. "How are you feeling?" He questioned me curiously as we both sat down on a lime green sofa. "Really nervous." I admitted. He nodded in an. understanding way. "Everything is going to be fine." He reassured me. We heard another door go. "That'll be him. Stay here. I'll bring him to you, and I'll make sure he will be alone." Adam told me. I nodded and inhaled deeply and waited for him to return.

A few minutes later the scarlet red door opened again and Ryan walked in by himself. He was still perfect. His brown hair was in a quiff and his brown eyes were still full of wonder and care. His figure was muscular and gave me butterflies. I stood up and walked towards him. "I'm Emma Wiles, I don't know if you remember me but-" His lips tugged up into a smile and his finger was placed on my lips to stop me mid sentence before he answered. "I've never forgotten you. Or that night twelve years ago. What are you doing here?" The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach now. I was scared of telling him.

"I've been trying to contact you for so long but all your agents and security have stopped me. They think I'm just a fan. There's something important that I need to tell you and I don't know how you're going to react but I just need you to listen." I explained. He nodded. "Before you say what you want to say, just let me do one quick thing." He smirked before leaning forward and placing his lips on my own gently, sending excitement through me just like the first time we kissed. It didn't take me long to start kissing him back. When we broke apart, my confusion must have replaced my casual expression because Ryan had the need to explain himself. "Sorry, I've just been waiting to do that again for twelve years." He blushed. I blushed myself. "Anyway, you were saying..." He laughed. I started to feel nervous again before telling him everything.

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