Chapter Eight~"I've Loved You For Twelve Years."

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Grace had a huge happy smile painted her face when she returned home with Ryan. I could already tell that he was a perfect father for her, and that's what I've always wanted her to have. "Did you have a nice time sweetheart?" I asked her. She nodded excitedly and replied "Yes. We had lots of fun." I smiled at Ryan as a thank you before he said "Please can I talk to you for a second?" I nodded and followed him into the kitchen. I saw Ryan wink at Grace before shutting the door.

"There's something that I need to tell you and I need you to listen." He started. "Okay?" I stated curiously. Ryan inhaled deeply and ran his hands through his hair, which was really attractive, before explaining "Okay, so here's the thing. That night has never left my mind, it was incredible... you're incredible, and beautiful. Normally one night stands mean nothing but this time it didn't, it made me realise that I didn't want any girl to use me because of my fame, and that you were different from them, and that made me like you more. Okay, it made me fall in love with you. It frightened me that I might not ever see you again and to be honest, I haven't looked at another girl since you Emma. I've loved you for twelve years and here I am finally telling you that. You're more than just a one night stand Emma, you're the love of my life and I want spend every living second with you and our beautiful and kind-hearted daughter. So what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend and make our family a proper family? I have been waiting a long time to feel this happy and now I know that my happiness lies within in you."

I was absolutely speechless. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Everything in that moment became clear, he was the missing piece to my life as much as he was to Grace's life. "Ryan, I-I can't believe that you said all that. I've been waiting twelve years to see you and tell you the same thing. I love you too Ryan, so much. I want us to be a proper family too, you're perfect and I'd love to be yours, yes." I beamed out of shock. Ryan's face lit up and he closed the short space between us before placing his lips on mine causing thousands of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. He then took my hand to tell Grace, I have never seen her so pleased. We were officially a family.

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