Blened family

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Justin pov
When scooter told me that he was having another baby I was happy for then. I know that Harlow is not going to be happy about this. I don't know what I am going to do I don't want to be stuck in the middle of this. I don't know if he is going to tell her. I am counting down till Hailey gives birth are child. I am so excited to be having another child with her. When I first told jr that  he was going to be a big brother again he didn't seem all that happy but got over it. I need to tell jr now that he matter to me and maybe spent I'm with him just us time. I need to see if  Harlow will let me spend more time with jr.I know with everything going on I need him to know that he is loved by me and hailey to. Even thought my son knows the truth now he will always be my son and hope he is ok with that. I am happy that i made the choices to help Harlow with her child.Jj had questions I answered them the best I could. I am forever grateful for Harlow letting me be a father to her son.

Hailey pov
I am so ready for this baby to come out of me. But i want to make sure that i am giving all my kids know we love them all the same way. Jj maybe not my child but he will always be my child I don't see him as my step child. I want him to know that I love him and I don't see him any different then the my other kids. I just hope that one day will be able to jj that scooter is his grandpa and not his uncle.i just hope that Harlow is ready to get over scooter lying to her to realize that he love her and just wanted to giver her a mom that she never had growing up. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of this anymore. I just want us to be one big family and have all of in one room and not have to do things separate from one another. All I can do is hope and pray that she wants him in her life and her child's life's.

Scooter pov
I am just hoping that my daughter will want to talk to me one day. I hate not being able to see my grandson and if I do it's because he is with Justin. I know what I did was wrong but I want to be happy and have love like the rest of the world. I want what I once had with my daughter but I know that probably won't happen but I would like us to get to a point to where we can talk and be around each other. My wife even wants to get to my daughter but my daughter cant stop being mad at me for what I did to her.I feel like my kids with my wife will never get to know there sister or her son like they should. Justin is always seeing my daughter because he has his son even thought that child is not his. When my daughter told me what happened i didn't know what to do or think. To know that my daughter was raped at a party that was her first and last one to scared me. I didn't know what to say to make any of this better for her or how to. Make her feel better about it all. I knew that my daughter and Justin were close and that he would be a good friend and be there if she didn't want to talk to me about it. I always wanted the best for my daughter i never thought she would be a teen mom I always saw my daughter going to college and doing something amazing in life.I will always be thankful to Justin he stepped up and said he would be a father to a child that wasn't even his kid. When the story got out of what he was doing people didn't know the whole story of what really happened.People would always ask questions about it and he wouldn't say much he didn't want to share Harlow story when she wasn't ready to. To see him with Harlow through it all was amazing to watch and he made her feel was a thing to see.

Harlow pov
I need to find a way to not be mad at my dad and move on from the past. I know that everyone around me wants me to talk to him and his wife. I know that I have said that I have moved on but maybe I really haven't moved on. I will see if my dad is willing to meet and talk. Me and my dad may never have what we had before or ever I don't want to get his hope up if we never get to that point again. I always thought it was me and m dad against the world but to know that e was not telling me the truth hurt that he wasn't up front with me.  I know that Justin and Hailey hate that they are in the middle of what me and my dad problem. I think I need to find away to want to talk my dad but I know one thing is for sure i will never want to be a family with him and his family.  I will be nice to him and his family  say hi and make some small talk but other than that nothing more. I wish for a lot of thing after I gave birth to my son but that never happed i always wonder why my dad never was honest with me.

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