Chapter 14

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Warning: Chapter will contain sexual activity. 

Butch moved around the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of soda. He heard his phone ringing and Butch reached for, grumbling. He didn't look at the caller ID and clicked the green button, putting it on speaker phone. Butch grabbed a pan and glanced at his phone.

"Hello?" Butch asked.

"What do you thinking of having a small party?" Buttercup asked.

"Depending on how small this little fiesta is," Butch said.

"Just us and like two or three friends."

"Huh, why are you sounding suspicious, my darling?"

"Maybe because one of my friends wanna play a game. . . a drinking game."

Butch raised his eyebrow, "You sound nervous? Butters, we have drunk before. You know, right?"

"Yes, Butch, I know that. I just wanted to warn you."

Butch pressed his lips together. They have been dating for two weeks and Butch has been trying to stop drinking. He figured if he could stop drinking then he's able to stop smoking. Butch grabbed his soda and started to chug as Buttercup quickly said an apology. Butch put the pan on the stove, he looked at the pan then rubbed his face.

"I'm down. I'll just bring me a pack of soda." Butch said

"We're going to have some much fun! Thank you, Butch." Buttercup said.

Butch smiled and they talked some more. Then Butch had to go to get his drinks for the party. He put on fresh clothing, jeans, and a white t-shirt. He brushed his fingers through his hair. Butch grabbed the car keys, his wallet and his pack of cigarettes then rushed to his car.

He drove to a small gas station. Buying him his favorite soda, Sprite, and some snacks for himself. He drove to Buttercup's house shocked by how many people are already here. He laughed and ready to mock her for saying a small party. He got out with a can of his soda. 

Butch said hey to a couple of people. Talking to very few. He saw Boomer and Bubbles at the DJ stand making music. They are dancing with each other, very close Butch noted. He looked around and saw Brick and Blossom are sitting on the back porch laughing with each other. Butch finally found Buttercup talking with her soccer team. 

He waved at her but she didn't see him. He frowned hate being ignored. Butch went to walk forward but someone grab his arm. Mitch. Butch raised his eyebrow. He is very sure that Mitch hates him. Everyone knows about that. Still, Butch is confused.

"What's up?" Butch asked.

"You know that I don't like you," Mitch said.

Butch snorted, "I do."

"Good but you should know that Buttercup is my friend. I don't want you to hurt her or use her."

"I won't."

Mitch nodded. He let go of Butch walking away to Princess, his girlfriend. Butch grumbled some curse words. He turned around to find Buttercup again but he was pulled into a hug. Butch looked over to see Boomer.

His blonde hair spiked up, beer on his breath and smiling wide. The music is loud. You could feel the beat move the floor. Boomer is leaning against Butch with all his weight. Butch put his hands on Boomer helping the blonde to stand on his feet. Bubbles skipped behind Boomer with a smile. Butch could also smell the beer coming from her also.

"Your grandmother is going to kill you," Butch said.

Bubbles giggled, "I didn't drink!"

"I can smell it off of you, Bubbles."

"That's my perfume, Butch. A new line from Paris."

"Uh huh, sure."

Boomer just busted out laughing. Butch looked down at his younger brother with a small smile. Boomer reached out grabbing at nothing. The blonde began to laugh again. Bubbles laughed with Boomer. Butch looked around trying to find out why Boomer is laughing.

"Boomer, are you okay?" Butch asked.

The drunk blonde boy laughed again, "Horse!"

"I think you drank too much." 

Boomer laughed again. He let go of Butch and walked forward. Bubbles followed Boomer. The two began laughing again at nothing. Butch rolled his eyes. Another reason why Butch wanted to quit drinking. Yet, another part of him wants a drink. Butch quickly opened his soda drinking half of the can.

Butch felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. Butch looked down to see Buttercup. He smiled down at her. Buttercup is holding onto a bottle of water. No smell of beer came off of her. They are smiling at each other. The blondes laughter reached them.

"You're not drinking?" Butch asked.

"Couldn't let you be the only sober one." Buttercup said.

Butch laughed, "I feel like there something underneath that sentence."

"They say drinking brings the truth. I don't know what you're going to ask me. Besides, I rather remember everything we will do tonight."

"Me too."

Finally, according to Butch, they played some good music. The couple went to the middle of the living room to dance. People began to sway with their drinks in their hands. Butch had on hand on Buttercup's hip. The two began to sway with each other. 

Buttercup turned around. A Spanish song played. Butch doesn't have any idea what it means but enjoyed Buttercup's dancing. Buttercup was singing along as she grinds against Butch. Other Hispanic kids were cheering with the song, their dancing became sexual.

Butch put his drink down as he grabbed Buttercup's hips with both hands. He brought her closer leaning down. He began to kiss her neck. Buttercup put her hands around Butch's neck. Butch made her spin around so they could face each other.

The two began to kiss. Their sways became slow but bodies close. Butch grabbed Buttercup's bum. She hopped up to wrap her legs around his waist. Butch moaned against her mouth as she tangled her hands in his hair. Butch began to back up landing against a wall. He turned them around so Buttercup's back could be against the wall.

Buttercup pulled away from Butch's lips. She began to kiss his neck. Butch groaned as Buttercup left a hickey on his Adam's apple. Butch started to dry hump Buttercup's private area. She moaned from pleasure. She pulled at his hair and felt Butch's pants tighten.

"M-my room." Buttercup moaned.

Butch didn't waste time. The two began to kiss each other as he walked to her room. He opened the door then shut it behind him. They crashed on the bed. Making out, taking breathes at the same time but neither stopping.

Butch slipped his hands underneath Buttercup's shirt. She gasped from the feeling of his cold hands. His hands began to make their way to her bra. He slipped underneath the bra to her breast. He started to pinch at the nipples causing them to be hard. Buttercup moaned.

She started to whimper. Butch just kissed her as he massages her breasts. They both grind against each other. He took off his hands in order to take off her pants. Butch pulled away to kiss at her neck. Buttercup moaned as he started to lick a new forming hickory.

Pants were thrown on the floor. Shirts ripped off from needing. Dry humping turned into sex. Sweet kisses turned into hard and bruised lips. Soft peach skin is covered with hickeys. And moans were blocked out from loud music. Both teenagers enjoying their time together.

Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!

I promised Butchercup smut and here it finally is!!!! Hope you guys aren't mad for the long wait.... I hope this makes up for it!!! Wells tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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