Chapter Eight

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Phil woke up with a headache, but also incredibly warm. He'd woken up like this a few times, another body wrapped around him, face pressed in their hair. The only thing varying usually was the sent (which in this case was degree deodorant and coconut shampoo). Along with that, this time it wasn't after sex. It was weird, not having that dark sinking in his stomach when he woke up with someone, knowing he fucked up and nothing that happened should've probably happened, in fact, it was nice.

Soft curls muffled his mouth as he shifted, gently pulling away to slide from the bed. Pushing the boy away he realized that not only had they been basically intertwined, Dan laid shirtless, jeans undone and creeping down his hips slowly. The jolt in his confused movement sent waves of pain through Phil's head, a hand reaching up the nurse the hangover. Bruises Phil could tell were from someone's mouth were places around Dan's torso, not yet faded but fresh. He wondered who they're from, but Dan's suggestion that they make out within the first week of knowing eachother didn't give him the best reputation in Phil's mind. He stumbled from his room into the light pouring into the hallway from a window. Luckily, his parents still weren't home, gone on a short vacation out of town for a few days.

Phil walked with his eyes closed around his mouth, stumbling around with blind accuracy and easily locating the Advil before getting a glass of water. He stuck his finger against the edge of the cup so he didn't over fill it before going back to his room. Basically refusing to open his eyes until he was shrouded in the darkness again. He wasn't sure wether to wake Dan or not, but it was growing later in the day. Taking a seat on his side of the bed, he set the medicine down on the table beside him and reached out.

Phil hadn't ever woken up someone really, and he wasn't completely sure how to go about it. He let his hand fall on Dan's broad shoulder, gently shaking it and calling out a rough voiced, "dan?" Into the air. Dan stirred, bringing his hand up and rubbing his eye with a groan before becoming still against. He decided to repeat the move, shaking him just a little bit harder.

"Fuck off tanner," dan finely spoke, shifting to bury his face into the pillow. Tanner, Phil saved the name in his memory, biting down on his lip.

"Phil," he corrected, deciding to let his nails drag over the skin of Dan's stomach, watching his ribcage expand and body contort as he sucked in. The warmth trying to escape Phil's cool finger tips. Dan groaned again, only half awake now.

"What time is it?" He asked, not moving but throwing an arm out blindly and catching Phil's hand. He used it to lead up to his face, cupping his jaw from his position but still not looking at him. His hands gave him flashbacks to the night before and how close they had gotten in the kitchen. How genuine were Dan's feelings for him? Did he actually care for Phil or was it just one of those in the moment things. Or maybe Phil was a side hoe and Tanner with Dan's main? Whatever they were, Phil still wished he had taken more photos of Dan that night.

"1pm," Phil answered, lifting the glass for him, "sit up," he commanded, reaching to press a hand against Dan's back to encourage him moving. Sure enough, dan slowly arose, easily taking the medicine before slumping over onto Phil.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked, he could feel how tired Dan was by the way he relied all his weight into Phil. He must of been pretty drunk to get that big of a hangover. "I kinda do not not really..." as he spoke his words fell off into sleep.

"I remember most of it," Phil replied with a frown, but Dan was already back asleep leaning onto him.

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