Obsessed (Minifreezy, Calstar)

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•Pairing: Miniminter & Calfreezy (Simon and Cal), Vikkstar123 & Calfreezy (Vik and Cal)
•Prompt: Vik takes Cal away from Simon, and Simon's not having any of that.
•Warnings: Gore (lots of it)
"Simon I just can't be with you anymore!" Cal yells and I shove him away from me, tears stinging at the corners of my eyes

"It's because of him! You're choosing him over me!" I yell back and clench my fists beside me, my face turning red from anger.

"Yes! I am! Because I'm in love with him, and not you!" He sighs and rubs his face with his hands, his words paining my heart.

"Fine!" I cry out, tears streaming down my cheeks as I break down, going to leave his house.

He doesn't bother trying to stop me as I step outside into the cold rain, the wind immediately whipping my hair around in every direction.

I know exactly where I'm going when I start walking, tugging my hood over my head in attempt to not get too wet.

As soon as I arrive at JJ's house I knock frantically until he opens the door, a look of confusion across his face.

"Simon, it's four in the morning, what are you-" "Cal broke up with me." I interrupt him and wipe away the tears that continue to fall from my eyes.

"Oh fuck- Simon I'm so sorry." He pulls me in for a hug and closes the door behind me, resting his head on my shoulder as he comforts me.

"It was for Vik." His name rolls of my tongue venomous and harsh, my blood boiling at the thought of him and Cal together.

"He wasn't good enough for you anyway." JJ mumbles, rubbing my back comfortingly before pulling away from the hug.

"You can stay here as long as you want." He says and I nod, thanking him and saying goodnight as he goes back to bed- leaving me alone to do whatever I want.

I walk into the guest bedroom and smile at the memory of it, countless nights being spent here after a night out drinking.

I tug my damp hoodie over my head and put it in the laundry bin along with the rest of my clothes before walking into the bathroom- turning the shower on.

This room basically belongs to me, no one else ever stays in it, plus whenever JJ mentions it to anyone he always says 'Simon's room'.

I wait for the water in the shower to warm up before slipping in, sighing in relief as the warm water hits my back.

I wash up quickly- not wanting to waste water- and get out, putting on a fresh pair of pyjamas I had left here from before.

As soon as I lie down in the guest bed- I start think, how can I hurt Cal as much as he hurt me.

My mind immediately goes to Vik, that short boy with perfect skin and black hair, always wearing some type of pastel clothing.

I get an idea and smirk devilishly, closing my eyes and falling into a restless sleep filled with dreams of hurting the small boy.
"I'm going out." I say to JJ the next night when I walk out of my room, seeing him on the couch flipping through movies on Netflix.

"Where to?" He asks and looks at my all black outfit, a look of suspicion spreading across his features.

"I'll be back soon." I say, disregarding his question and going to open the door- being stopped by a strong hand gripping my wrist.

"Don't do anything stupid." He says in a stern voice, his eyes filled with worry as he looks into mine.

"I'm just going to fix what has been broken." I say, it's not completely a lie- just not completely the truth.

Hesitantly he nods and let's my wrist go, watching as I walk out the door and start down the street- my mind focused on getting to Vik's house.

As soon as I get there I duck behind a bush- making sure the coast is clear before peering in his window, the scene in front of me nauseating.

Cal and Vik sit on the couch, Vik straddling Cal's hips as he kisses him feverishly- Cal's shirt already discarded onto the floor.

I almost throw up when I look away, my hand covering my mouth as I gag- anger boiling inside of me.

I sit against the house and pull my knees to my chest- my hands covering my ears when I hear the moaning starting from inside.

Eventually I get the courage to stand up and look again- Cal never lasted long- there was no way it would still be going on.

I look through the window again and see them both tugging their clothes on before Cal says something to Vik- kissing him goodbye and walking out of the house.

Quickly I duck down as he walks past me, heading back to our- his house.

I peek in the window a last time to see Vik happily playing on his phone on his couch, facing away from the front door.

Cal never locks doors behind him, that's one of the thinks I absolutely despised about him- but in this moment, it was a blessing.

As quietly as I can I sneak up to his front door, turning the knob and pushing it open- sighing in relief when it doesn't squeak at all.

I close it behind me and see Vik has headphones on- music blasting, as I can hear it from a few feet away.

I grip handle of the knife in my back pocket tightly as I slowly walk closer to him, my heart beating a million times a minute.

His head nods slightly to the beat of the music, his feet tapping along with it.

Before he can react I pull his earbuds out, grabbing him up and cupping a hand over his mouth- holding the knife to his neck.

He yells into my hand- the sound being muffled enough for no one to hear but me.

"You took him from me!" My voice shakes as I yell at him, pressing the knife harder into his neck.

He whimpers and shakes in my arms, fear clear across his features as tears stream down his cheeks.

"He loved me, and then you had to come along and ruin it all!" I say through gritted teeth, him no longer struggling to get out of my grip as he cries silently.

I almost feel bad for him, but then I remember what I saw earlier and snap, quickly pressing hard and dragging the blade across his neck.

He goes limp in my arms and I drop him to the floor, watching as he starts bleeding out- soon being surrounded in a pool of his own blood.

"I'm sorry," I whisper and wipe the knife off on my shirt before putting it back in my pocket. "He's mine now."
JJ and I jump when we hear frantic knocking at the door, him pausing the movie as I pull away from his warm embrace to go see who it is.

As soon as I open the door strong arms are wrapped around me in a hug, someone crying into my shoulder.

"Vik is d-dead, he was murdered last night." The man I now recognise as Cal cries out, a smile spreading across my face.

"Oh no, that's horrible." I fake sympathy, hugging him back tightly and smirking at JJ over his shoulder.

JJ's mouth drops open- horror spreading across his face as I put a finger to my lips.

I go back to hugging Cal, rubbing his back and comforting him as he cries non stop.

The only thing that matters is he's mine now, and Vik won't be a problem anymore.
ITS A BIT MORBID, I KNOW actually its really morbid but whatever I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED <3

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