Forever (KSImon)

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•Pairing: KSI & Miniminter (Simon and JJ)
•Prompt: JJ wants to make his relationship with Simon last forever.
•Warnings: You might cry- in a good way
•3rd person POV
"I have to show you something." JJ says to Simon- grabbing his hand and tugging him through the streets of London, checking his watch every minute.

"What are you in such a rush for?" Simon giggles, keeping up with him anyway and they trudge up a hill in the park- far away from anyone else.

Simon looks up into the night sky- the moon being the only light as they sit on the hill, a blanket underneath them from JJ previously laying it there.

JJ smiles and checks his watch a last time before moving closer to Simon on the blanket, his arm going around Simon's waist.

Simon's eyes light up when the first firework goes off- a smile spreading across his face as he leans his head on his lover's shoulder, overwhelmed with happiness.

"You did this for me?" Simon whispers, looking over at JJ to see him already looking back- fondness in his eyes when he looks at the boy next to him.

JJ nods and watches as Simon goes back to watching the colourful show in front of him- each firework lighting up the night sky.

Simon hates to admit it- so does JJ- but they both fell hard.

From a relationship full of hatred for each other- to a friendship that was unbreakable- to the day JJ asked Simon to be his boyfriend- it's safe to say they both fell in love with each other.

JJ could still remember the day he asked Simon to be his boyfriend, it was in this exact same spot, the same night he found out that Simon had a love for fireworks.

But tonight wasn't just any other date night, no- JJ had been planning this night for months.

"Simon, I love you." JJ mumbles and Simon turns his head to look at the man next to him again- taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"I love you too." Simon says happily, a wide smile spreading across his face- his dimples showing as he looks lovingly at his boyfriend.

"Ever since I first met you, I've had this weird feeling- and I just couldn't pinpoint it until the first time I kissed you- my whole world was flipped upside down." JJ says, Simon's full attention on him now.

"I am in love with you Simon Minter, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to have kids with you, have a little Wolverine running around." JJ says and Simon giggles at the last part, squeezing JJ's hand lightly.

"And I'm in love with you Olajide Olatunji." Simon says back, looking at his boyfriend with admiration in his eyes- his heart swelling up at the thought of spending the rest of their lives together.

Suddenly JJ is on one knee, reaching into his pocket and grabbing the small velvet box, opening it to reveal a silver engagement ring.

"Oh my god." Simon's mouth drops open as he covers his mouth, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as JJ's grabs his other hand.

"Simon Edward Minter, will you marry me?" JJ asks and looks up at Simon, hope and admiration in his eyes.

"Yes! Oh my god yes!" Simon rushes out, nodding his head frantically as tears run down his cheeks.

JJ smiles widely and breathes out a sigh of relief, sliding the ring onto Simon's finger before standing up and engulfing him in a hug.

Simon quickly wraps his arms back around JJ and lets out a cry of happiness, his dream finally coming through of getting engaged to the man he's in love with.

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