Midnight Sun (KSImon) Pt. 1

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•Pairing: KSI & Miniminter (JJ and Simon)
•Prompt: Based off the movie 'Midnight Sun', with my own little twists to it.
•Warnings: Spoilers for what actually happens in the movie
•3rd person POV
"Simon! Stir fry tonight?" Simon's mum peeks her head into his room, a big smile on her face as she speaks.

"You know it." He smiles back and she claps her hands together excitedly, walking into his room and sitting down next to him on his bed.

"What's that?" She peeks her head over his shoulder to see what he's drawing in the notebook on his lap, a blush rising to his pale cheeks.

"I-it's nothing." He murmurs and closes it quickly, tossing it to the side and laying back onto his mattress- heaving out a sigh.

"Awe, come on! Show me!" She pokes his side and he giggles- pushing her hand away and looking at her.

"You tired?" She asks, looking outside as the sun starts to rise- walking over to the boy's window and pulling the tinted blinds over the glass.

That's how it works here, Simon sleeps all day and stays up all night- which he's learned is actually a normal schedule for teens nowadays.

Simon has a genetic disorder that's incurable, and one in a million.

It's called Xeroderma pigmentosum, or Xp for short.

It affects different people different ways- but in Simon's case, all exposure to sunlight is forbidden.

If even the slightest bit of sunlight hits his skin- it could be fatal.

So that's why he stays inside all day, drawing and painting anything that comes to mind- which is usually the boy that walks down his street every day.

Ever since Simon was young, he's had an interest in the boy- every day Simon watches him from his window as he walks home from school.

His name is Olajide Olatunji, lots of people just call him JJ though- but Simon likes his full name, it sounds like he belongs in royalty.

He'll probably never notice Simon though- he'll always just remember him as the kid who got called a vampire by pretty much everyone.

Some people expect Simon to look different- scaly dry skin- but he doesn't, he looks like every other average teenager, even though he's far from average.

"You're thinking too much again- you should get some sleep." Simon's mum snaps him out of his thoughts and kisses his forehead before walking out of his room- shutting the door behind her.

Simon feels his phone buzz beside him, a smile sneaking onto his lips as he picks it up and sees a text from Harry.

He's Simon's only friend, sad right? But he was the only one who didn't paint Simon as a total freak.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asks Simon's mum as he stands on their porch, fixing his glasses and scrunching up his nose.

"Well, Simon has this disorder, it's called Xp, which means he can't go out in sunlight." Simon's mum explains to the small boy in front of her.

"Well then, I'll just come inside!" Harry insists- trying to walk inside, just to be stopped by Simon's mum standing in the doorway.

"Simon actually sleeps during the day-" "Okay, then I'll see you tonight!" Harry says excitedly and turns around- walking away and bouncing with each step.

Thats how their whole friendship started, and what an amazing friendship it is.
"I'm going to the train station to draw, I'll see you in a bit." Simon says to his mum- clutching his notebook and pencil to his chest as he walks past her.

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