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I get a call from Zeke.

Zeke: Tris u need to come to my place right now.

Me: Whats going on

Zeke: Some A-hole hit Shauna then punched her and pushed her down right on her pregnant belly.

Me: Oh my God! "I'll be over there in 5 minutes"

Zeke: Ok hurry!!

I hang up. What the heck. Who would do that? Who ever did must be a big A-hole. I go upstairs in my 2 story house. Go in my room change into a black crop top, skinny black jeans, and my combat boots that are also black. Yes I'm very into black which is my dauntless side. I go down stairs grab my phone,purse,and my keys. I run out the door forgetting to lock the front door and Brush my hair. I just put my hair in a loose pony tail and go lock my front door. I call Tobias

Me: Tobias meet me at Zeke's something happened to Shauna and I'm freaking out because she feel on her stomach.

Tobias: Oh my God! What freaking B would do that?

Me: I dont know but meet me over there I'm almost there.

Tobias: Ok i will.

Me: Ok bye love you.

Tobias: Love you to drive safe.

I hang up. I cant believe someone would do that. Its just wrong. I so hope she is ok.

When i get there i automatically stop the car, lock it and run up Zeke's stairs. I burst open the door and I see Zeke standing there With 2 towels and a water bucket. "She's bleeding......bad." Zeke says. "Oh no!" I say. "Give me that and step outside and cool off i got this handled." I say. "Thank you Tris. Yell if u need me." Zeke says. "Ok i will." I say as i rush him out the door.

"Shauna" I say "Tris.....I.......I" Shauna says as she starts sobbing again. "Shhhh its ok Shauna." I say as I'm rubbing her back. "Shauna let me see your stomach." I say. "Oh ok.." She says as she turns and lifts her shirt up. "Oh my God Shauna." I say. "Whats wrong?" She says. "You are bleeding bad and You have a giant cut and bruise on your stomach." She starts sobbing again. "We need to call My mom." I say. My mom is a OB/GYN and my dad is a Surgeon. "Ok" She says.

Mom: Tris is everything alright.

Me: Mom u need to get to Zeke's. Remember what i told u. About Shauna's pregnancy well she got beaten and she has a giant cut and bruise on her stomach and is bleeding bad.

Mom: I will be there in 5 minutes.

Me: Ok love you

Mom: Love you too

She hangs up and i go and try to wipe some of the blood off of Shauna but more just keeps coming out.

When mom gets here i let her take over with Shauna and i let Chrissy go in and help mom. I go out with Tobias and Zeke. As soon as I see Tobias I hug him and start crying. "Shhh its ok Tris. Its ok." "Four she wont stop bleeding and she has a giant bruise and........" I start sobbing. Then i go to Zeke. I hug him. We both start crying. "What are we gonna do." I say. "I dont know. Just have hope and pray and never lose hope." "Ok." As soon as Zeke says that Christina comes out if the house. "Tris can i talk to you?" "Of course." I go in the house with Christina and i walk in the living room with her. "Beatrice." My mother says. She never calls me Beatrice unless something is terribly wrong. "Beatrice Shauna had a big misscarriage." she says. "The babies..... I cut her off "The babies" Yes the babies Shauna had twins in her womb." "Shauna lost her babies." I stand there in shock. Babies.Miscarriage.Dead.Zeke.Shauna. "What am i gonna tell Zeke?" i mumble

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