Love advice

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John storned home from his boyfriends house. Francis was being so complicated and confusing. He had told John that they wouldn't work out about an hour ago then before he left 5 minutes ago, he had started kissing john and trying to get on with him

John saw the familiar building he called home and opended the door, walking in.

John sighed and flopped, face down on the couch of his apartment he shared with his 3 friends.

Lafayette, his tall french friend, was on the couch reading some kind of text book for Science. He looked at John and laughed at his childishness before turning his attention back to the book.

"Francis again?" Alex asked, looked at the couch from his spot in the kitchen, sipping his freshly made coffee.

John usually came home and sulked on the couch well his roomates did whatever around him. John didn't love francis as much as Francis 'Loved' him or as much as he loved someone else who was on his mind. John would never tell who. Wel..... never outloud.

Alex sat on another chair as he watched John be complicated on the couch.

"I need some advice....." John said, sitting up and crossing his legs to be sitting 'criss cross applesauce'.

"Love advice? Trust me, I'm the expert. Im experienced with everything."
Alex smirked, sounding dramatic.

"Says the virgin."  Lafayette Snorted.

Alex shot Lafayette a glare but laf didnt take his attention off the book.

John laughed. His worries melted away in the comfort of his friends. "So, what did you need, Jack?" Alex said, getting over Lafayette's Comment.

"Nothing. I'll make dinner!" John said cheerfully, standing up. Their fourth roomate, Hercules Mulligan, walked in. He put his coat down and sat beside on the arm of Lafayette's chair.

John popped a pizza in and grabbed a mug and the kettle. He started boiling some water before turnig to his roomates. "Making Hot Chocolate, anyone want some?" He asked. John haf Hot Chocolate almost everyday. It was his favorite.

"Moi, mon ami." Lafayette said. "Nah." Herculues said. Alex just nodded. John smiled and got to work.

God he loved his roomates......

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