Chapter 12

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As Kai lay in his cell, he fought the tempt to sleep. He needed to find a way out. He heaved himself into a sitting position, grunting in the process. Kai looked down at his body, his wrists were red from the straps that were pressed against them moments ago. Looking around, Kai let himself take in the scene before him. There were blood streaks on the walls, claw marks scattered the ground. Obviously, any sane person would freak out at this view. There were no windows, so there was no way Kai could escape with the higher chance of going unnoticed. His only escape route was through the door but there were probably a gazillion guards waiting out there, ready to kill whoever escapes.

Kai stood, walking around to inspect the cell. The cell was squarish in shape, with just enough space for being thrown in and rolling on the ground for a bit. Kai walked towards the bars at the front of the cell, the sound of metal clanking sounded. Metal? Kai looked down and realised that his ankle was enclosed in a shackle which was connected to a chain locked to a wall. How he had not noticed this was questionable but it was not part of his worries at the moment. Right now, he had to make sure he could at least get to the bars that opened and closed whenever someone enters or leaves.

Kai walked over, only to be yanked back when he was a few centimetres away from the bars.

'Dammit, I can't reach the bars. That means that I can't look around outside to search for any escape routes,' Kai gritted his teeth in annoyance as he thought.

He decided to try to pry off the shackle on his leg. He inspected the shackle. No locks. How did anyone even put his leg in there if there wasn't any lock to open it in the first place? Kai groaned as he started using his hands to pull the shackle off.

When it came to light that there was absolutely no way that Kai could use his hands to get the shackle off, he resorted to going to the chain. As he walked towards it, he noticed rust starting to appear the closer he got. Closer and closer, the more rust there was on the chain. Clearly, Kai was excited at seeing this. If there was rust, it meant that the chain isn't as strong, which means that the possibility of pulling the chain out is easier! Proud of himself, Kai reached forward and locked his hands around the rusty chain. He gave it a harsh pull, tugging it with all his might.

'Strange...It isn't even budging! The amount of rust should make it at least loosen a bit, but it's not even moving!' Kai started to question how rust works.

Out of the blue, the gates to his cell was slammed open.

"Haha, there is no way you can break those chains, red ninja! It has been constructed using special Xania metal. Do you think we would be stupid enough to use normal, weak and pathetic metal?! Just because it's rusty doesn't mean you can break it!" The soldier who opened his cell laughed at Kai's attempts to free himself, "Anyways, Doctor has checked your blood sample and Lionheart wants to see you. Get up!"

Kai was pulled from his seating position, resulting in his leg which had the shackle to be yanked as well, pulling a bit of muscle. With a wince, Kai noticed how the soldier had some black glow from his hands and putting them on the shackle. Before he knew it, his leg was free but his wrists were locked in cuffs instead as he was dragged to see Lionheart.

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