Chapter 11

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The next thing Kai knew was that he was thrown into a very odd looking room by two guards. It looked like his cell but the walls were pearl white, the floor was sparkling and the chair in the middle of the room was too clean for a place like this. It worried Kai as much as it intrigued him. Why was it so clean? Where was he? What's going to happen? 

Answers were clear when another two burly looking guards, with black fur, entered the room with Lion Heart in the middle of them. Lion Heart snapped his fingers and four guards grabbed Kai and locked him in the chair. Kai struggled to get out of their grip but to no avail. Although he had turned, he was still no match for them. 

His body slammed into the chair as his limbs were tied up with leather belts respectively onto the seat. The belts were tied so tightly, Kai swore his blood circulation stopped but he somehow survived. 

"So, half-breed is that right? I have never come across such things like you and I want to know how. Now, this is going to be painless." Lion Heart's voice boomed as he handed one of the guards what looked like a syringe.

Kai had stopped resisting once he felt the needle pierce him. Painless? Yeah, totally. Pain surged through his entire body and he bit his lip hard to contain his screams. He didn't want to look weak in front of Lion Heart. It felt as if his life source was being ripped away from him. With a mere needle hurting him that much, Kai could not bear to think how his days at this unknown location would be. For goodness sake, the chances of him staying forever have made its way to fifty-percent.

"Bring this to Doctor and tell him to examine it. I want to know if it is any different from our own blood. I need to know more about this boy." Lion Heart ordered the same guard that forced the needle in Kai's system.

The guard nodded and scurried out of the room while Lion Heart nodded to the remaining guards. They seemed to understand his silent orders as they quickly removed the belts and yanked Kai, who was tired and weak, out of the chair and dragging him out of the room as well. 

As Kai was dragged along, he took the opportunity to look around. They moved him along a long corridor before Kai recognised the poorly maintained cells. There were many cells, however, there were no prisoners except for himself. Kai was confused: Why have so many cells, but have no prisoners? Kai shook his head and tried to wrap his head around the irony. Suddenly, he felt a strong force and found himself lying face-flat on the cold, hard ground of his cell.

'Wonderful,' He thought, 'This is going to be a hell of a ride.'


"Any of you found Kai yet?" Nya spoke through her wristwatch.

She received disappointed sighs from her friends and she followed suit.

"This won't work. We need a plan of some sort to find Kai. Aimlessly searching the city is pointless," Jay suggested.

"The fact that you are right at this point in time should excite me but I just feel too worried right now to congratulate you," Cole rolled his eyes.  

The ninjas returned to the bounty as the sky turned dark, exhausted from roaming the city and avoiding fans from suffocating them. After parking their respective vehicles, the ninjas gathered in the common room, where Sensei Wu also happened to be at. 

"Ninjas! Where have you been? I wake up and no one was at the bounty!" Sensei Wu asked with an incredulous look on his face.

"Heh, glad you asked Sensei...Well, something happened," Jay meekly replied.

"Kai's gone and we can't find him anywhere. We searched the whole city but still no sight of him," Cole proclaimed short and sweet.

"Gone?! How can that be? Did you check his bed or anything for any notes or something?" Sensei Wu was astonished. Gone? There was no way Kai was gone, could there be?

Cole nodded solemnly, worry evident on his face. Nya was biting her nail, deep in thought.

"Cole, did you notice any symptoms Kai expressed? Anything that could have led to his disappearance?" Nya inquired, considering the many times Cole spent his time with Kai now.

Cole thought of all the million times he hung out with Kai, sure he showed some things but whenever he asked, Kai would shrug it off as a 'Xania thing'. For example, when he suddenly gobbles up all his food, or when he suddenly becomes overprotective. It would always be the same excuse, "Oh, don't worry. Just something that usually happens, I guess...That's Xania for you!".

"No...Not at all, actually. Most of the time when he does something weird, he'll just say it's 'cause of his Xania side. Majority of what he does doesn't add up to why he would disappear."

Nya roughly pulled out a chair and plopped onto it, shoving her face into her hands as she groaned loudly. Jay scurried over to her side, placing one hand on her back and whispering encouraging words.

"It's late, let us eat and then rest. We can continue our search tomorrow. Searching with a tired mind is the same as not searching at all," Sensei Wu concluded the day.

The ninjas begrudgingly agreed and headed out of the common room to their room to change. Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day.


Ey! I proclaim that I suck at updating ;-; I'm sorry, but here y'all go. A new chapter! I guess you'll just have to deal with my slow slow slow writing now...Welp, sucks man ;-----; I so sorry 

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