Joey Simmons

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"Lena!" I yelled, frantically looking around for bubbles or something, but the surface of the water was completely still.

I dove into the water and looked around in the murky water. She was no where to be seen. I so hoped she wasn't down at the bottom wrapped up in some algae dead. What if she drowned?

I resurfaced and sat on the shore, wanting nothing to do with that hellish water. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek.

So I don't really like this part but I don't want to delete it so I'm just going to section it off from the story between these thingies:



I got up and ran to the kissing rock where I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1.


I sat, shivering on the shore in my now drenched clothes, our bags and her clothes next to me.

"Hey, kid, are you the one who called?" I turned to see three park rangers walking towards me.

"Yes," I stood as they approached.



Okay. May the story continue!!

I got up and ran to the kissing rock to call 9-1-1 when I heard something.

Don’t do it, she’s fine. Nothing happened. Leave.” a voice violently whispered in my ear. I quickly dressed and gathered our stuff. I ran home and dove into my room, closing and locking the door. I collapsed onto the floor and buried my face in her shirt.

Oh, Lena. Where are you?


“Hey, Caroline? Have you seen Lena,” I ask Caroline.

“Nope.” she says, popping the ‘p’. “They went on a cruise. She texted me last night. She didn’t tell you?”

“Oh, uhm…,” what? No she didn’t! She’s not on a cruise, she’s at the bottom of a lake. What is Caroline talking about? “I must have forgotten, uh, I gotta go, see you later.”

I'm sorry, but this chapter is gonna be really short because I have NO CLUE what is going to happen next with Joey, but I have some really good ideas for the next chapter, and hopefully I will update that a bit for you guys today, it should be finished by Sunday hopefully. Thank you guys for being patient with me!

P.S. I'm also going back and editing chapters as well.


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