Lena McGuire

50 3 1

I was with my mom. We were in a place that looked like the hills. We stopped in front this crappy, messy mobile home and my mom gasped, because there was a baby sitting out alone in the front yard, so my mom went up and knocked on the door to see if the parent knew. My dad answered the door. What the hell was going on! How did I even get here?

Then suddenly we were transported to a large beautiful brown wooden house with several stories and a pretty porch. Apparently it was a friend of my mom's house. Then my mom disappeared, probably talking to her friend somewhere in the house. I was playing xbox with his strangely attractive son. He showed me his room and stuff. It was weird. He told me he had siblings but they were off somewhere else.

After playing xbox for a while he started to get mean. Real mean. I'm not super accustomed to boys like him, but I didn't think he would be so mean. He was really nice, but I guess that's just a rich boy act. I bet he thinks he's so cool.

I was really hurt. It was strange, like I couldn't control my emotions. In fact, I couldn't. I guess I had thought we were becoming friends...?

Then I was outside in their front yard. There was this fog, and then from it came these... vikings! What the hell?

I had no weapons yet I was fighting a female viking. She looked strikingly familiar. I know you, I think.

Then it hits me, Courtney!

Her eyes go foggy, and she drops to the ground. Before I can even react, I'm being chased by a big viking dude, up the porch steps, and halfway around the wraparound porch. I stop and turn around. I know you, too!

But before I can tell who it is, a big branch is driven through his chest from behind. When he falls, he reveals The Boy behind him. He sighs, and leans against the railing, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Th-thank you," I say, staring bewildered at him. " how did you do that?"

"I play video games a lot... what the hell do you think that freak show was about?" he smiles.

"Um, I don't know...."

"Sorry I was so mean earlier, I'm not usually around girls a lot," he says sheepishly, running his hand through his hair.

I don't know why I do this, but I suddenly want to hug him, so I do, burying my face in his shoulder. I'm scared to death.

Unexpectedly, he hugs me back. I pull away a little, and he leans down..., and kisses me. Right on the lips.

I don't feel like me anymore. My lips part, and then....

I sit up, panting, in my own bed. I feel cold, I feel like something vitally important was wrenched from my body. I feel empty, far away, detached somehow.

I can still feel his lips on mine, and I want them back.

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