for Relief from Debt

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Alla hum ma sal li aba dan afzala sala va tika ala Sayyidina Muhammadin abdika va Nabiy yikan Nabiy yil um miy yi va aaali hi va sal limu zid hu anzil hul  manzi lal muqar raba indaka yaumal qiyamah.


O Allah always bestow the supreme benediction on Your special and highly honourable salve ( peace be upon him )Your respectable Prophet, the prophet Ummi (peace be upon him ) and  confer lots of salams on him and increase his dignity and esteem and descent him at a destination near to you on the day of judgment.

If an indebted person daily prays to Allah subhana hu va ta'ala after reading this Durood shareef with concentration and peace of mind in leisure,  Allah makes arrangement for the payment relief from his debt from Ghaib (what is divine and hidden ).This Durood shareef has been repeatedly proven to be effective by our experience.

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