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Sofia sighed softly as her uber pulled up outside the bar Mike had mentioned to her. She had only been back in the city for a couple of hours and here she was running after the boy she had spent almost a year trying to forget.

"Stay here. I'll literally be two minutes." She told the driver before quickly sliding out of the car and disappearing inside the crowded pub in search of Mike.

Luckily it didn't take long. In fact the moment she walked through the door she was pulled into a tight hug by a familiar figure.

"Sofia! You came." Mike slurred as Sofia looked up at him unable to hold back the smile creeping onto her lips.

"Of course i did you big dummy." She laughed softly breaking away from him and wrapping an arm around his waist in an attempt to support him. "Now, did you come with anybody?"

"Nope! Ben and Lincoln invited me to their party but I didn't want to go because I knew you wouldn't be there." He replied with a laugh as Sofia nodded leading him out of the bar. "I missed you Sofia..."

"Yeah. I missed you too."

mixed signals ❥ mike faistWhere stories live. Discover now