First date with Niall

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You were a waitress at Nando's, Niall's favorite restaurant. As just friends, he often begged you to bring him food from there and you would bring it to your house and eat it together. tonight, he surprisingly did not ask for anything, so you asked a chef to make the entire menu for a special "customer." he reluctantly agreed. as he is cooking, you text Niall with " Nialler drive to Nandos and get in my car. I have a surprise". 10 minutes later you hear the comfortingly familiar sound of his Range Rover and car door slams. the chef gives you the food and you sashay to the car. Niall's face lights up as you pull out the food in the spacey back of the car one by one. After stuffing yourself like a second thanksgiving, he kisses you on the lips. you lick his lips to enter. he allows your tongue to explore. You do the same for him. you pull away and say "let's continue this at my house"

I EFFING MISSED YOU GUYS!!! I've had personal problems and so Codi ILY and thanks 4reading!

~ Shea

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