Niall- Telling Him Your Prego

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A/N: ♡Hia! This is Codi writing this one. I haven't done this in a while so... yeah!  We really need some ideas! We will do what you want. I don't write dirty shiz but Shea might! We need you guys to tell people about our book! Please and Thank You! We ♡ U! -Codi

You have known your pregnant for two weeks but your 18 and your dating a famous guy that's 2 years older than you. Niall James Horan. He gets back from visiting his parents tonight and you think you should tell him tonight.

You drive to go get Nandos for the two of you. When you get home you write your name and his on the food and on the inside of his box you write... Welcome home my soon to be Daddy! 8 months to go! and hope he gets the hint.

He came home from tour a month ago and you had a little bit of fun ;). Then he went to go visit his parents. You can't wait to see him.

*He Gets Home*

"Y/N I'm home!"

"Hey babe!" you say going to the door to give him a hug and kiss.

"I smell food!"

"It's on the table."

He sets his bags down and lead him to the food. He sees his name, sits down and opens it. When he reads your note he jumps out of his seat!

"We're having a baby????????"

"Yes babe. We are!"

"Oh my god! I love you so much!!"

"I love you too.

A/N: I know it's crap. Vote if you beg to differ! Love you all. Adois!

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