Takin' Care

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A/N: Happy new year everyone! To celebrate, I'm throwing this chunk of (hopefully) fluff at you. I had fun writing it, and hope you have fun reading it.

Disclaimer: Of course, I own nothing in this story.



Lance had known Hunk long enough to realize when his friend wasn't feeling well. He was surprised that no one noticed when the yellow paladin only poked at his food goo at dinner.

When Hunk was first to leave the table, though, it was enough to raise eyebrows.

"Did I just see what I think I did?" Pidge asked when Hunk had left.

"He didn't even finish," Keith added, pointing to Hunk's half-full plate.

With a series of squeaks, Allura's pet mice scrambled to the top of the table and began munching on the green substance.

Coran huffed. "He just can't appreciate good food." With that, the orange-haired advisor scooped up a huge mouthful.

Lance pushed away from the table. "I'm going to go check on him."

"Want me to come along?" Shiro offered, half-standing.

Lance waved a hand. "Nah. He's probably just tired."

Lance's idea was met with nods and a few small glares in Allura's direction. She had been training them hard for the last few days, since their travels hadn't brought them across any Galra patrols.

Allura cleared her throat self-consciously. "Maybe we should take it easy tomorrow."

"Care to lengthen that offer?" Lance asked with a wide grin.

Allura returned the mischievous look. "Of course. I'm sure Coran could use your help around the Castle."

"Why, yes." Coran perked up. "There is a whole level of rooms that need to be cleaned and dusted."

Lance's face fell. "Well... never mind." He rushed off as the others laughed.


Lance tapped on Hunk's closed door. "Hunk? Buddy, are you alright in there?"

When he got no response, Lance slowly opened the door. It was possible Hunk really had just been tired, and had fallen asleep.

Hunk's room was a slightly messy jumble of blankets and random ingredients he had picked up on their travels. A couple of devices Hunk was tinkering with were laying on a dresser. His yellow paladin armor was in a neat pile at the foot of the bed.

But no Hunk.

Lance stepped back, frowning in thought. He was sure that if Hunk was tired or sick, he would go to his room. Where else-

Lance smacked his forehead. "Of course! Yellow!" He turned away and trotted in the direction of the hanger.


"Oka-ay, I thought he would be here," Lance mused to himself.

Yellow was sitting in her hanger, but the worktable Hunk could sometimes be found stationed at was empty.

Lance was about to leave when he heard a slight noise. He hesitated, eyes narrowing in thought.


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